Seyyed Alireza Mirkhani
PhD Student
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Office: CCIT 261 (Desk 8)
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PhD student at university of Calgary
- Master of Chemical Engineering (Sharif University of Technology, Iran, Tehran) 2011
- Bachelor of Chemical Engineering ( Tehran University, Iran, Tehran ) 2008
Selected Publications:
- M. Yavari, G.R. Pazuki, M. Vossoughi, S.A. Mirkhani, A.A. Seifkordi, Partitioning of alkaline
protease from Bacillus licheniformis (ATCC 21424) using PEG-K2HPO4 aqueous two-phase system, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 337 (2013) 1-5
- S.M. Mousavisafavi, S.A. Mirkhani, F. Gharagheizi, J. Akbari, A predictive quantitative structure property relationship for glass transition temperature of 1,3-dialkylimidazolium ionic liquids: Part 1.The linear approach, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,111 (2013)235-246.
- S.M. Mousavisafavi, F. Gharagheizi, S.A. Mirkhani, J. Akbari, A predictive quantitative structure property relationship for glass transition temperature of1,3-dialkylimidazolium ionic liquids: Part 2.the nonlinear approach, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry,11(2013)1639-1648.
- ] S.A. Mirkhani, F. Gharagheizi, N. Farahani, K. Tumba, Prediction of surface tension of ionic liquids by molecular approach, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 179 (2013) 78-87.
- F. Gharagheizi, S.A. Mirkhani, M.H. Keshavarz, N. Farahani, K. Tumba, A molecular-based model for prediction of liquid viscosity of pure organic compounds: A quantitative structure property relationship (QSPR) approach, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, (2013).
- F. Gharagheizi, S.A. Mirkhani, P. Ilani-Kashkouli, A.H. Mohammadi, D. Ramjugernath, D. Richon, Determination of the normal boiling point of chemical compounds using a quantitative structure-property relationship strategy: Application to a very large dataset, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 354 (2013) 250-258.
- N. Farahani, F. Gharagheizi, S.A. Mirkhani, K. Tumba, A simple correlation for prediction of heat
capacities of ionic liquids, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 337 (2013) 73-82.
- S.A. Mirkhani, F. Gharagheizi, M. Sattari, A QSPR model for prediction of diffusion coefficient of
non-electrolyte organic compounds in air at ambient condition, Chemosphere, 86 (2012) 959-966
- S.A. Mirkhani, F. Gharagheizi, P. Ilani-Kashkouli, N. Farahani, An accurate model for the prediction of the glass transition temperature of ammonium based ionic liquids: A QSPR approach, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 324 (2012) 50-63.
- S.A. Mirkhani, F. Gharagheizi, P. Ilani-Kashkouli, N. Farahani, Determination of the glass transition temperature of ionic liquids: A molecular approach, Thermochimica Acta, 543 (2012) 88-95.
- S.A. Mirkhani, F. Gharagheizi, Predictive quantitative structure-property relationship model for the estimation of ionic liquid viscosity, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (2012) 2470-2477.
- A. Kamankesh, M. Vossoughi, A. Shamloo, S.A. Mirkhani, J. Akbari, Liquid-liquid equilibrium
(LLE) data for ternary mixtures of {aliphatic+p-xylene+[EMpy][ESO 4]} at T=313.15K, Fluid Phase
Equilibria, 332 (2012) 48-54.
- F. Gharagheizi, P. Ilani-Kashkouli, S.A. Mirkhani, A.H. Mohammadi, Computation of upper flash
point of chemical compounds using a chemical structure-based model, Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry Research, 51 (2012) 5103-5107
- F. Gharagheizi, P. Ilani-Kashkouli, S.A. Mirkhani, N. Farahani, A.H. Mohammadi, QSPR molecular approach for estimating Henry's law constants of pure compounds in water at ambient conditions, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 51 (2012) 4764-4767.
- N. Farahani, F. Gharagheizi, S.A. Mirkhani, K. Tumba, Ionic liquids: Prediction of melting point by molecular-based model, Thermochimica Acta, 549 (2012) 17-34.
- S.A. Mirkhani, M. Vossoughi, G.R. Pazuki, A.A. Safekordi, A. Heydari, J. Akbari, M. Yavari,
(Liquid + liquid) equilibrium for ternary mixtures of {heptane + aromatic compounds + [EMpy][ESO 4]} at T = 298.15 K, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 43 (2011) 1530-1534.
- F. Gharagheizi, S.A. Mirkhani, A.R. Tofangchi Mahyari, Prediction of standard enthalpy of
combustion of pure compounds using a very accurate group-contribution-based method, Energy and Fuels, 25 (2011) 2651-2654.
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