Welcome to PPG UCALGARY.

The Polymer Processing Group (PPG) at the Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering University of Calgary is led by Professor Uttandaraman (UT) Sundararaj. PPG performs fundamental and applied research in polymer science and engineering. The PPG has made important contributions in areas such as novel polymer blends, hybrid polymer nanocomposites, polymer drop break-up, and polymer extrusion modeling among others. Our group is highly engaged in generating new knowledge related to multi-phase polymer materials and the design of products for high-tech applications of industrial interest. Over the years, the group has made relevant and exciting research contributions in collaboration with academic and industrial partners and with the support of government agencies and industry.
Learn more about PPG research programs here..
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PPG Director
Office: CCIT 320
Ph: (403) 210-6549 -
Maryam Khajepour
Postdoctoral Fellow
Office: CCIT 261
mkhajehp@ucalgary.ca -
Soheil Sadeghi
PhD Candidate
Office: CCIT 261
ssadeghi@ucalgary.ca -