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Page Index: Republic of Mauritius / République de Maurice - Seychelles - Réunion.

REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS / RÉPUBLIQUE DE MAURICE The Collectif Arc-en-Ciel (2008-09): The Collectif Arc-en-Ciel, association fighting homophobia and all discriminations based on sexual orientation, wishes to bring about certain information picturing the reality and daily discriminations faced by the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) community in Mauritius. First of all, we wish to stress on the fact that there is a legal void touching the LGBT community in the country. As a matter of fact, this part of the Mauritian population has no possible legal mean to seek acknowledgement and compensation of any discrimination or violence they had to endure due to their sexual, or presumed sexual, orientation... - Pride Parade 2009 - Collectif Arc en Ciel (2009, Video). - LGBT : Pour une meilleure visibilité (Translation): Rassembler tous ceux qui manifestent pour les droits de la communauté LGBT à Maurice autour d'une fête populaire. C'est le pari qu'a réussi le Collectif arc-en-ciel à travers la Gay Parade, événement annuel incontournable à Rose-Hill.

Ile Maurice: Lutter contre l'homophobie - Le Collectif Arc-en-Ciel publie deux livrets (2009): Lutter contre l'homophobie: le Collectif Arc-en-Ciel publie deux livrets«L'homosexualité, c'est quoi?» et «Mon enfant est homosexuel» sont les deux brochures que le Collectif Arc-en-Ciel vient de produire. Elles sont dorénavant disponibles gratuitement au siège de cette association. Objectif: informer et sensibiliser les Mauriciens. «Le Collectif Arc-en-Ciel a publié ces deux brochures, l'une à destination des parents et l'autre à destination des jeunes, en particulier, pour expliquer ce que c'est que l'homosexualité et l'homophobie», déclare Nathalie Ahnee, présidente du Collectif Arc-en-Ciel... «Nous les distribuons également lors des séances de formation que le Collectif a entrepris dans différentes associations depuis le début de l'année, grâce au financement de la Decentralised Cooperation Programme (DCP) de l'Union Européenne», affirme Nathalie Ahnee.

Mauritius sees first gay rights march (2006). - First gay pride (2006): Activists on the tiny island nation of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa staged the nation's first Gay Pride parade over the weekend in the town of Rose Hill. - Hundreds of gays and lesbians in Mauritius stage the first gay rights march (2006). - Primo Gay Pride a Mauritius: intervista con l’organizzatore (2006, Translation). - Mauritian gays in rally against bias (2006, Alternate Link): Homosexuals on the conservative Indian Ocean island of Mauritius say they want protection against discrimination built into new human rights legislation. Three days after staging the island-state's first-ever gay rights rally, the small but increasingly vocal homosexual community on Mauritius said on Tuesday that sexual orientation must be included in the law to be debated by parliament in July.

Lutte contre le SIDA : échanges d’expériences au sein de la COI (2008, Translation): 500 personnes venant principalement des pays membres de la Commission de l’Océan Indien (Comores, La Réunion, Madagascar, Maurice et Seychelles) se sont réunies ce 10 novembre et ce pendant 3 jours pour le colloque "VIH océan Indien" qui se déroule, cette année, à Maurice. Des éminents professeurs et les experts de l’ONUSIDA sont également présents. D’autres participants de Mayotte et de la France métropole ont également répondu présents..

Battle over sexual offences bill in Mauritius (2007, Alternate Link): The Sexual Offences Bill recently tabled at the Mauritian Parliament brought much heated debate from both sides of the house, as well as protests from religious leaders and professionals. The bill could also decriminalise consensual anal sex... It is also seen as unfortunate that the voices of those most concerned: victims, survivors, youth, sex workers, gays and lesbians, were largely absent from the debates.

Family kisnaps and holds lesbian hostage (2010, Alternate Link). - Mauritius: kidnapped to "cure" their homosexuality (2010): Although LGBT issues are evolving in the right direction in Mauritius, it takes time. Mauritius is a VERY conservative country and also VERY religious. Therefore parents who learn that their child is gay rarely accept it and act sometime like barbarians.... Thanks to the courage of those girls and the media support this strory finished with a happy end. Thanks God we are still in a democracy even if sometime its smell like banana... - Trauma for young lesbians in Mauritius: (2006, Alternate Link) in Mauritius, parents send their daughter to a mental hospital for loving another woman. Human-rights organizations demand better treatment for lesbians and gay men: The story of two young women takes place in Mauritius, the island that prides itself on having one of the most mature democracies in the region and advertises itself as the island of "sun, sea and sand." That freedom turned to trauma for two young women whose only crime is their passionate love affair... Gemma's sexual orientation goes against the norms and values imposed by society. In the eyes of her parents and society, she must be either depraved or mad. In both cases, her place is in a mental hospital. They could do it because not all voices are heard in Mauritius. When there is a choice between the words of an adult and that of a daughter, even if the daughter is a young adult of 20, it is a win-lose situation. The parent wins on all fronts and even more so if he is a male...

L'Île Maurice le prochain Ibiza et une destination touristique gay ? (2010, Translation): « L’île Maurice a le potentiel pour devenir le prochain Ibiza ou Mykonos avec des discos pour gays qui commencent à fleurie. Cette île qui possède une population d’un million et un riche héritage culturel (avec les incfluences anglaises, françaises, indiennes, créoles et chinoises) est connu pour ses plages blanches spectaculaires » souligne le site anglais de « Gaydar » qui se réclame être « Le meilleur site de rencontres Gay au monde » « L’île Maurice et l’île de la Réunion sont des destinations lointaines spectaculaires et attirent de plus en plus des gays de l’Afrique du Sud, l’Australie et l’Europe » écrit le journaliste Andrew Collins. L’île Maurice figure également dans le Spartacus: International Gay Guide 2008 que soutient également la communauté « Gaydar ».. - Mauritius, A Dream Destination in the Indian Ocean (2011): LGBT LIFE: The social feel is relaxed and comfortable, and you will have no troubles vacationing as you like during your stay. The people here are warm and friendly, and there is an active gay community that will welcome you with open arms. There is plenty to see and do in Mauritius, and you can spend your days exploring the island, and spend your nights in the many Mauritius gay bars.

Le SIDA dand le sud ouest de l'ocean indien (2008, AIDS in the southwest Indian Ocean, Translation): Île Maurice: L’homosexualité est encore taboue à Maurice. Si l’homosexualité n’est pas interdite, la sodomie est toujours un crime. L’article 250 du code pénal mauricien précise que « toute personne coupable du crime de sodomie (…) sera passible d’une peine de travaux forcés pour une durée n’excédant pas cinq ans » (sic). Un projet de loi supprimant cet article (qui date de 1838 !) est en cours de discussion mais provoque un débat houleux. A suivre. Néanmoins les homos mauriciens commencent à s’organiser. Une association gay, le collectif Arc-en-ciel, a vu le jour en mai 2005. La première « gay pride » mauricienne a été organisée en mai 2006 avec le soutien des autorités. Une deuxième édition en 2007 a remporté un franc succès même si elle a déclenché l’hostilité des conservateurs religieux catholiques et musulmans. Dans ce contexte conservateur, les malades sont souvent victimes de préjugés et de discrimination. Les associations mauriciennes dont PILS luttent avec acharnement pour améliorer la situation..

Resources: - Behind the Mask - A Web Site on Gay and Lesbian Affairs in Africa. - Africa by Country: MauritiusMauritius Archive. - African Veil: Countries CoveredMauritius. - Queer afrol. - Afrol News; Gay/Lesbian Archives. - news & Articles: Africa

Global Gayz: Africa: Mauritius News Reports From 2006 to the Present. - ILGA: Africa: Mauritius. - LGBT rights in Mauritius. - Sodomy Laws. - Human Rights Watch: Use Search Function. - Amnesty International: Use Search Function. - Pink News: Europe's Largest Gay News Service: Africa. - AsylumLaw.Org: Sexual Minorities & HIV Status: Documents / Reports / Website Links / Organizations. Mauritius Individual Documents since 2005. - Links to News Sources for GLBT World.

MSMGF News Articles & Documents Resources. By Region & Country:  - Sub-Saharan Africa: - Mauritius.

SEYCHELLES - Male homosexuality is currently illegal in the Seychelles, while female homosexuality is legally permissible. - Infos sur les pays: Seyhelles (Translation): Homosexualité: En public, une certaine réserve est de mise pour les homosexuels. En effet, l'homosexualité est officiellement interdite aux Seychelles. - Is The Seychelles Gay Friendly: I will answer this very carefully: Seychelles is a very relaxed place and has a tolerant and happy going society. I would say that it is couple friendly, as opposed to openly gay friendly, requesting discretion from all of its visitors. And that kind of sums it up, there are no gay bars, clubs etc, just lovely discreet hotels and guest houses where you can go a relax with other holiday makers. You will certainly find a warm welcome there!... I know gay friends who have gone to Seychelles and took advantage of honeymoon offers at hotels!! We also had 2 gay couples at our wedding in the Seychelles, and there are lots of gay people working at the hotels themselves. This is just one of those "laws" that in reality isnt enforced. - Seychelles: As for gay and lesbians; Seychelles being a small country, does not make it easy to be gay. Most people hide the fact that they are and only confide in close friends. But that does not stop them from practicing their sexual preferences. Moreover, people are becoming more tolerant of gay people.

Gay Seychelles: "Despite the discriminatory laws many gays and lesbians still travel to Africa and have a great time. Laws commonly do not reflect the attitudes of local people. If you are afraid of being discriminated against then just be discreet. " - Planning a trip to Seychelles. Any gay hangouts? Local attitude toward gays and lesbians? (Alternate Link): There is no need to watch your step, we have people here who are gay (in kreole gay is pilon) and we have lesbians ( in kreole bibin). Katiolo is a night club for all, but its one of the popular clubs that don't care who walks in really, thats why alot of gays and lesbians do go there. They are welcome everywhere though. Some people in seychelles only make a fuss about gay and lesbians because they are old fashioned or just jealous. Also we don't like straight people kissing and rubbing up in public so we also don't like it with gay and lesbians. Well kissing on the cheek is different. Public affection we are cool with as long as it doesn't seem like it belongs in a bedroom. So a majority of us islanders don't care what your sexual preference may be. And please don't be deturd from coming to our wonderful country on the words of what lunch box said, we will not miscontrued anything said. Seriously Katiolo is the club to go to. I know its friendly to all for my cousins own it and my brother is gay.

Health in Seychelles: an overview (2004, PDF Download, Alternate Link): And whikle service statistics from the Communicable Diseases Control Unit suggest that 17% of those infected are men who have sex with men, there is still great reluctance to address the issue of homosexuality in health campaigns.

Le SIDA dand le sud ouest de l'ocean indien (2008, AIDS in the southwest Indian Ocean, Translation): Les Seychelles: Aux Seychelles, les femmes et les hommes sont infectés de façon presque égale, le mode de transmission étant majoritairement hétérosexuel (70 % des cas). La transmission homosexuelle concerne 25 % des cas détectés. L’homosexualité étant illégale aux Seychelles, la part des homo/bisexuels est peut-être sous-évaluée, les bisexuels ayant tendance à se déclarer hétérosexuels.

Resources: - Behind the Mask - A Web Site on Gay and Lesbian Affairs in Africa. - Africa by Country: Seychelles. - African Veil: Countries Covered: Seychelles.  - Queer afrol. - Afrol News; Gay/Lesbian Archives. - news & Articles: Africa.

Global Gayz: Africa: Seychelles News Reports. - ILGA: Africa: Seychelles. - LGBT rights in Seychelles. - Sodomy Laws. - Human Rights Watch: Use Search Function. - Amnesty International: Use Search Function. - Pink News: Europe's Largest Gay News Service: Africa. - AsylumLaw.Org: Sexual Minorities & HIV Status: Documents / Reports / Website Links / Organizations. - Links to News Sources for GLBT World.

MSMGF News Articles & Documents Resources. By Region & Country:  - Sub-Saharan Africa: - Seychelles.

RÉUNION - Difficile de vivre l'homosexualité à la Réunion !!!! (2009, Translation). - Accepter son homosexualité (2010, Translation). - Homosexualité et préjugés (2010, Translation). - L'homosexualité au filtre de trois religions (2010, Translation) (Alternate Link, Translation): Samedi 30 juin 2007 – La Réunion participe pour la première fois à la Gay pride de Paris (Photo archives). - Est-il facile d'être gay à la Réunion ? -  5 réactions (2010, Translation). - Etre gay à l'île de La Réunion... (2010, Translation). - Le premier guide gay-friendly de la Réunion vient de sortir (Translation).

La Réunion : pour le maire de Trois-Bassins, homosexualité égale pédophilie (2008, Translation). - Ile de la Réunion : il faut chasser les homosexuels ! (2008, Translation). - La Réunion : le maire de Trois-Bassins respecte la « vie privée » des homosexuels... Et leur vie publique ? (2008, Translation).

Homosexuality is a western disease (2005): One of the annoyances was the attitude towards homosexuality. Reunion Island is a French territory and is thus under French law. Homosexuality is legal. There are male/male personals in the Island paper. There are even occasionally gay nights at clubs. I was acquaintances with one gay couple (one French, the other Creole) and briefly met another couple. Yet, in spite of these facts, the general attitude of the Reunionnais towards homosexuality is very hostile. If a Reunionnais acknowledges homosexuality at all, they regard it as an export from mainland France. Again, it is the Westerner's disease and no genuine Creole could possibly catch it. Thus, though there is indeed a small existent gay life, to come out would cut one out of Reunionnais life. You would bring incessant perplexity to people, and in return would receive a good dose of ill-regard. For such a small island, to come out to one person means coming out to everyone.

Contribution à l'analyse de l'homosexualité à l'ile de La Réunion (2004, Translation): Abstract: Ce travail propose une lecture sociologique de l'homosexualité à La Réunion. Les méthodes de l'observation et de l'entretien permettent de dresser un premier état des lieux. En l'absence de constitution d'une véritable communauté, les résultats montrent comment se construisent des identités toujours menacées. Ils suggèrent aussi les différentes formes de compromis que les acteurs mettent en place pour concilier leur sexualité et une pression normative accentuée par l'insularité et la créolité. Download Page. PDF Download. "Nous aurions pu penser que l’île de La Réunion, décrite comme un modèle de tolérance sociale, aurait été le creuset d’une société ou la tolérance sexuelle en vu du libre épanouissement de chacun aurait été de mise. En fait, il n’en est rien. La morale commune est un syncrétisme où les préceptes religieux sont largement présents. Si ici les religions se tolèrent entre elles, c’est notamment en pointant leurs points communs comme le rejet de l’homosexualité."

L’unique Asso LGBT de l’île de la Réunion (974) vient de se créer. (2010, Translation): Cette association, basée à la Saline les Bains, se donne comme objectif: − De développer et de mettre en place toutes actions et manifestations d’affirmation et du droit de vivre sa différence d’orientation sexuel sur l’ile de la Réunion. − D’informer des droits légaux de la communauté LGBT. − D’informer la communauté hétérosexuel sur les lois et sur la discrimination de la communauté LGBT, afin d’éradiquer l’homophobie ainsi que les violences auprès de cette dite communauté. − D’accueillir et d’être à l’écoute de toute personnes touchés de prêt ou de loin par des problématiques autour de l’orientation sexuelle. − De développer le droit de vivre. − D’organiser toutes manifestations entre les personnes de toutes orientations sexuelles afin d’aider les personnes à mieux se comprendre et s’accepter. - De promulguer et d’informer la population sur les risques de pratiques sexuelles ainsi que des différentes maladies liées à ces pratiques, tel que le VIH et la syphilis, et de promouvoir l’éducation sur la sexualité et la contraception, en collaboration avec les structures et associations existantes. - LGBT (974) Website.

Le SIDA dand le sud ouest de l'ocean indien (2008, AIDS in the southwest Indian Ocean, Translation): La Réunion: La transmission du virus lors d'une relation homo/bisexuelle reste forte. En 2006, plus d’un tiers des personnes ayant appris leur contamination par le VIH/sida des homos/bisexuels. L’épidémie reste très active dans ce groupe de population.

Resources: - Behind the Mask - A Web Site on Gay and Lesbian Affairs in Africa. - Africa by Country: Réunion. Reunion Archive. - African Veil: Countries Covered: Réunion. - Queer afrol. - Afrol News; Gay/Lesbian Archives. - news & Articles: Africa. - LGBT (974) Website.

Global Gayz: Africa: Réunion News Reports. - ILGA: Africa: Réunion. - LGBT rights in Réunion. - Sodomy Laws. - Human Rights Watch: Use Search Function. - Amnesty International: Use Search Function. - Pink News: Europe's Largest Gay News Service: Africa. - AsylumLaw.Org: Sexual Minorities & HIV Status: Documents / Reports / Website Links / Organizations. - Links to News Sources for GLBT World.

MSMGF News Articles & Documents Resources. By Region & Country:  - Sub-Saharan Africa: - Réunion

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Search Engines & Directories: - Google Scholar. - MSN Search.- Proteus Search. - Wikipedia Listing of Search Engines. - All GLBT Resource Directories. - Google's GLBT Directory. - Yahoo's Directory. - DMOZ: Open Directory. - BGLAD. - Wikipedia. - GLBTQ: The Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Culture.

Directories for Open Access Resources: - The Directory of  Open-Access Journals. - Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR). - Yahoo Theses Access Directory. - Google Directory: Free Access Online Archives.

Open Access Collections From Multiple Sources: - Australian Research Online. - hal: articles en ligne (French / English Version). - Archive Ouverte INRIA. - Hispana. Directorio y recolector de recursos digitales. - Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal- Pacific Rim Library. - OAIster: a union catalog of available digital resources. - - OpenJ-Gate: Open Access. many free full text articles and papers. -

Search for Free Papers / Book Reviews: - All Papers are free at BioMed Cental (Open Access) & PubMed Central. - HighWire Press (Numerous Free Papers).  eScholarship Repository:  University of California, e-books, journals and peer-reviewed documents. - DSpace Eprints: Australian National University. - DSpace@MIT. - Virginia Tech: Digital Library / Archives. - eScholarship: U of California. - University of Southampton CiteBase. - Eprints: University of Nottingham. - T-Space at The University of Toronto Libraries.  - NTUR, National Taiwan University- Allacademic: Some free papers to either read online or download as PDFs. -  UNESCO: Articles, Report, Dissertations, Films, etc. - Kyoto University Research Information Repository. - Doctoral dissertations and other publications from the University of Helsinki- E-LIS: eprints in Library & Information Services. - CogPrints: eprints. - RePEc: Research Papers in Economics. - DiVa: Scandinavian University Documents. - The International Gay & Lesbian Review (IGLR): Book Reviews & Abstracts. - InterAlia, a peer-edited scholarly journal for queer theory

Search for Free Articles, Papers or - The Free Library. - France Queer Resources Directory. - Séminaire gai. - The QRD. - GLBTQ: The Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Culture. - Human Rights Campaign. - IGLHRC: The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. - ILGA: The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association. - ILGA-Europe: International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association of Europe. - Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. - Kinsey Institute Staff Publications. - Sexual Policy Watch Working Papers. NAZ Foundation International: Primary aim is to improve the sexual health and human rights of marginalised males who have sex with males, their partners and families in South Asia and elsewhere.  The World Health Orgazization. - The Body: The complete HIV/AIDS Resource. - POZ Magazine: Archive dates back to 1994.

Search for Papers, with Abstract Available (Some May Be Free): The National Library of Medicine (Free papera are highlighted). Abstracts from searches are available at: ERIC: The Education Resources Information Center (Many Free Documents). - Informaworld. - Oxford Journals (Some Open Access Content). - Springer Journals (Some Open Access Content). - ScienceDirect Journals. - University of California Press Journals on Caliber. - IngentaConnect. - Project Muse. - JSTOR: The Scholarly Journal Archive. - Wiley Interscience. - Cambridge Journals Online: Follow Link. - Sage Journals. - Palgrave Macmillan Journals. - Emerald E-journals. - University of Chicago Journals. - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Journals. - HeinOnline (Access Free Content, Law Papers). - SSRN: Social Science Research Network.

Search for Free Theses / Dissertations, May Include Papers: Library & Archives Canada, Electronic Free Theses Download. - Virginia Tech: Electronic Theses and Dissertations. - DSpace@MIT. - Electronic Theses & Dissertations BYU. - OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Center & Worldwide ETD Index. - Australasian Digital Theses Program (Abstracts Given & Free Downloads). - Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (Abstracts). - PQDTOpen Dissertations (Abstracts & Free Downloads: ProQuest). DART-Europe: Free Access to European Doctoral Theses. - The British Library's EThOS service (British Doctoral Theses Abstracts). - DORAS: Free Theses,  Ireland. - TEL (thèses-en-ligne). - DiVa: Scandinavian Theses / Other Documents. - BORA: Open Archive, University of Bergen, Norway.  - Doctoral dissertations and other publications from the University of Helsinki. - LUP: Lund University Publications. - National Cheng Kung University Institutional Repository. - HKU Scholars Hub. - Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertacoes (BDTD), Brazil. - OAIster: a union catalog of available digital resources. Free papers also available -

Full Text GLBTQ Papers / Articles by/at: - Gay & Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review. -  Archive of Sexology Full Text Papers. - Hawaii AIDS Education and Training Center: AIDS Education Project. - Arlene Istar Lev. - F. Kenneth Freedman. - Margaret Nichols & IPG Staff. - Michael Shernoff. - Gary Remafedi. - Susan Cochran & Vickie Mays (and Others). - Gregory M. Herek and others. - Esther Rothblum. - First International Conference of Asian Queer Studies: Index of Papers. (Related Book) - "Queer Space: Centres and Peripheries" Conference Papers. -  Sexualities: Bodies, Desires, Practices: Project Archives: 2nd Global Conference on Sex & Sexuality Papers,  2005,  3rd Conference, 2006: Probing the Problematics: Sex and Sexuality. Papers in one PDF + More Conferences. - Intersections: Gender & Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific. - The Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review - Special Issue, 1996: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People and Education (Many Authors, abstracts, articles). - The International Journal of Transgenderism (Many Authors, Official Journal of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association: HBIGDA). - Lesbigay SIGnals. - Self-Help Psychology Magazine. - Australian Humanities Review Archive Index. - Schools Out Document Resource. - All NGLTF Documents. - National Coalition for LGBT Health: Downloading Page For Full Text Papers and Reports.

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