African Sexual Minorities & Gender Variant Resources Homosexuality - Gay - Lesbian - Bisexual - Transgender - Transsexual - Same-Sex Sex |
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- Promotion de l’Homosexualité au Bénin : Un Gérant d’Hôtels Privés Impliqué (2008, Translation): Le doute ne doit plus être permis aujourd’hui et les
patents doivent encore multiplier leur contrôle sur leur progéniture.
L’homosexualité se développe actuellement chez nous au Bénin avec une
vitesse qui donne l’effroi et le comble est l’implication très active
de certaines personnalités qui n’hésitent pas à soutenir un gérant
d’hôtels privés promoteur de cette horreur morale. - L'homosexualité au Bénin (2009, Translation). - Homosexualité au Bénin : mythe ou réalité ? (2005, Translation).
L’homosexualité à Parakou (2004, Translation): Un phénomène qui se crée: A Parakou chaque jour du week-end, en début d’après midi, des centaines de personnes (hommes et femmes), habillés à l’occidentale, s’allongent inlassablement sur les côtes pour se distraire. Zénabou est l’une d’elles. Assise dans un coin, elle sirote tranquillement une sucrerie, tout en causant avec une femme blanche assez forte. Ces deux femmes ne font que s’adresser des compliments. Pendant ce temps, la blanche touche les cheveux et palpe les doigts de sa compagne. Ses mains se baladent même sur les cuisses de Zénabou qui éprouve assez de plaisir. Comme Zénabou ; nombreuses sont ceux qui s’adonnent à l’homosexualité. Il n’est pas rare de voir de jeunes filles et de jeunes garçons, même de grandes personnes, attirés par des personnes du même sexe et de tenter certaines pratiques sexuelles... - Making the Best of it in Benin N/A.
Is There Gay Life in Benin? Keeping
in mind that homosexuality is illegal in Benin and that any involvement
with such issues could endanger my place as a volunteer, I set out to
find a sign of its existence. Over the course of my first six months at
post, I deftly posed non incriminating questions to my colleagues and
to the people I met… ‘What is the urban view of homosexuality?’ ‘How
does it differ from that of the village view?’ ‘Does HIV/AIDS
prevention material address homosexuality?’ ‘What’s the word for
homosexuality in Fon?’ ‘Do you know any homosexuals?’ The majority of
responses were rather vapid and noncommittal, quick shrugs. For them,
homosexuality was such a non-entity in Benin—something that exists in
Europe and America but had not ‘infected’ Africa. Some responses
indicated beliefs that homosexuality was a gene only found in white
people. Although men walked hand in hand down the street, this union
was entirely nonsexual; locals were quick to identify this as
completely normal, entirely replete of any homosexual undertones. I was
not quite so sure... Then, when I least expected it, I found it. Or
rather, I found a trace of it, with promises that there were more.
While at a housewarming party for a fellow American, I met a Beninese
guy and his, ‘shhh’ boyfriend. I was elated. Finally, a glimpse.
Unfortunately, that was all that was to be provided to me. I learned
that their secret was so hidden, that not even their closest friends
Homosexuality. Why all the fuss? Benin, West Africa. The year is 1976. Two women get chatting on a bus. One is a local woman, the other a European. Towards the end of their journey the African invites the other to stay with her large family. That night they sleep together in one bed. They talk for a while, then, responding to each other's gestures, they make love. The next morning the European woman asks her new friend whether she often has such experiences with other women, and how she feels about being a lesbian. Astonished, the African woman answers that it is quite usual for her to let a friend comfort her in this way...
sexuels, connaissances et attitudes des etudiants de l'universite du
Benin face au sida et aux maladies sexuellement transmissibles. (1999. Abstract):
Une étude a eu lieu auprès d’un échantillon de 954
étudiants (800 hommes et 154 femmes) représentatifs des
10 319 étudiants de l’Université du Bénin afin de
déterminer les comportements sexuels... Il s’agit de relations
sexuelles péno-anales (9 %) de l’homosexualité (1 %) et
de l’usage intraveineux de drogues (6,1 %).
Resources: - Behind the Mask - A Web Site on Gay and Lesbian Affairs in Africa. - Africa by Country: Benin. Benin Archive. - African Veil: Countries Covered: Benin. - Queer afrol. - Afrol News; Gay/Lesbian Archives. - theGully.com news & Articles: Africa.
Global Gayz: Africa: Angola News Reports from 2008 to the Present. - ILGA: Africa: Benin. - LGBT rights in Benin. - Sodomy Laws. - Human Rights Watch: Use Search Function. - Amnesty International: Use Search Function. - Pink News: Europe's Largest Gay News Service: Africa. - AsylumLaw.Org: Sexual Minorities & HIV Status: Documents / Reports / Website Links / Organizations. Benin Individual Documents Since 2000. - Links to News Sources for GLBT World.
MSMGF News Articles & Documents Resources. By Region & Country: - Sub-Saharan Africa: - Benin.TOGO
- Men in the Middle: Reaching Non-Gay Identified MSM in Togo
(2009): A growing body of evidence around men who have sex with men
(MSM) in Africa suggests that this long-ignored population is not only
present, but incredibly varied in behavior, beliefs, and lifestyles.
One of the few common themes among MSM in this region is - sadly -
their enormously high HIV risk, which far outstrips that of the general
population in nearly every African country. Identifying MSM
-particularly those who don't self-identify as gay - has proved to be
one of the larger challenges facing interventions targeting this
population. PSI/Togo’s HIV project for MSM, which is beginning its
third year, is currently launching a new initiative to better reach
hidden MSM subgroups. For the past two years, PSI has worked primarily
with self-identifying gay men in Lomé, communicating HIV
prevention messages through peer education and referrals for HIV
counseling and testing. Initial project design was based on
qualitative, peer-driven research, which helped to establish trust
relationships between PSI staff and leaders in Togo'sMSM community.
Togo: Rip Gerard Selom Ephoe Sasou-Fellow activist, friend and a brother (2010, Alternate Link): The MSM community in Togo is mourning the death
one of its members, Gerald Sélom Ephoé Sasou, known by many as a great
activist and proudly gay, who passed away last month. A
pillar of the MSM community in Togo, Sasou fought all his life for the
recognition and the rights of MSM people, and was well known in the
West African MSM community. Born in November 1980, he knew from a
young age that his sexual orientation was different and was never
ashamed of it. He therefore never hid the fact that he was gay and the
fact that he was outspoken about it, earned him criticism from churches
that banned him from their choir despite his talent as a singer...
Le phénomène Homosexuel... Mis en déroute par les Us et Coutumes au Togo (2011, Translation):
L’histoire paraîtra inimaginable eu égard à
l’exigence des Us et Coutumes et aux rites auxquels la tradition
togolaise a soumis son peuple. Mais la dépravation des mœurs
s’apparente comme étant un chemin de liberté à se
frayer par une génération de jeunes qui, aujourd’hui
croient minimiser les lois traditionnelles. Ainsi, deux jeunes dont
l’un originaire de la région centrale reconnue localité
musulmane et l’autre probablement du Sud Togo auraient essuyé la
colère des jeunes musulmans du centre du Togo pour avoir
offensé et désobéi aux règles de la
communauté musulmane... Selon des indiscrétions, Kpadenou
Anani Epiphane affectueusement appelé « Epi » un
jeune homme au teint clair avec son signe particulier au visage (2X5),
porte des boucles d’oreilles. Il lui serait reproché
d’entretenir une relation amoureuse avec un jeune musulman, un
garçon à la morphologie plus ou moins féminine.
Alors que Epi, reconnu pour cette dépravation serait plusieurs
fois expulsé dans les localités déjà
habitées. Selon les mêmes sources d’informations, bien que
ces deux jeunes hommes s’adonnent discrètement à ce jeu
« malsain », ils sont suivis de près depuis qu’ils
ont été aperçus publiquement lors d’une
manifestation où ils s’embrassaient dans un coin plus ou moins
obscur... - Famille traditionnelle contre homosexualité (2009, Translation).
Santé sexuelle des gays et VIH/SIDA au Togo, Rapport de Recherche (2006, Translation): Résultats de L’Etude: - - Fondements historiques et socio-culturels du phenomène de l’homosexualité au Togo:
Contextes sociaux et culturels d’émergence de
l’homosexualité. - Evolution des pratiques et de la population
homosexuelles : rites, mythes et catégories
démographiques. - - Gays dans la société togolaise actuelle:
Profils socio-démographiques des gays et signes
d’identification. - Structures d’organisation et de pouvoir.
Perceptions sociales, auto perceptions des gays et
considérations juridiques. - - Connaissance des gays en matière des IST/VIH/SIDA: Connaissance des IST. - Connaissance du VIH/SIDA. - - Comportements sexuels des gays et leurs risques de vulnerabilité:
Age et circonstances du premier rapport homosexuel. - Différents
modes de la pratique homosexuelle. - Partenariat sexuel. - Utilisation
du préservatif. - Différentes maladies dans la
communauté gay et leur prise en charge. - - Suggestions des gays en santé sexuelle et en stratégies de leur mise en oeuvre:
En matière d’accès à l’information. - En
matière de mise à disposition des produits. - En
matière de prise en charge. - En matière de counseling. -
Autres suggestions - - - Les localités couvertes par
l’étude sont Lomé, Kara, Kpalimé et Aného.
La population cible est composée d’homosexuels de sexe masculin,
communément appelés gays. Au total, cent vingt deux (122)
gays dont l’âge varie entre 17 et 56 ans ont été
interviewés. La plupart de ces gays sont célibataires
(85%). Si les gays enquêtés sont principalement togolais
(89%), le groupe compte également d’autres africains (8,5%) et
des expatriés (2,5%). Ils ont un niveau d’instruction
relativement élevé (78% ont le niveau secondaire ou
plus). Ils travaillent généralement dans le domaine de la
mode (stylistes, couturiers, coiffeurs, esthéticiens).
Capo-Chichi V, Kassegné S (2007). Homosexuality in Africa: Myth or Reality? An Ethnographic Exploration in Togo, West Africa. Paper presented at the 5th African Population Conference, Arusha, Tanzania, December 10-14. PDF Download. 20 MSM identified through members of various NGOs working in HIV prevention (first wave of participants)... 102 additional participants identified by the 20 initial MSMs through snowballing and peer networking (second wave of participants)... Self-identification for the 122 MSM that participated in this study was as follows: - 44% active homosexual (playing a “male” role during intercourse) - 18% passive homosexuals (playing a “female” role during intercourse) - 26% versatile homosexual (could play either role) - 12% bisexual (sexually active with both male and females) -- Participants explained that MSM use coded language to identify one another. The most common local term used to refer to homosexuality is “Zangboin”. Passive homosexuals are called “Zangbointés” and active ones are called “Zangbointeurs”. The place where homosexuals have sex is called “Zangbointoir”. There was a unanimous perception among all participants (gatekeepers and MSM) that community perceptions of homosexuality are negative. This results in discriminatory behaviors against homosexuals, such as insults and sometimes beatings.
Diversity and cross-cultural issues in Togo (2009, Alternate Link): Possible Issues for Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual Volunteers: Homosexuality
is not publicly discussed or acknowledged in Togolese society. Since
acceptance in the rural community is part and parcel to a successful
Peace Corps experience in Togo, Volunteers with alternative sexual
orientations generally choose not to openly discuss their sexual
orientation in their villages. Gay and lesbian Volunteers have however,
successfully and safely worked in Togo.
Evolution des MSM au Togo (Translation):
Avec la naissance du Club des 7jours; association MSM luttant pour le
VIH/SIDA et les droits des minorités sexuelles; un grand
changement s’est apparu dans le milieu MSM Togolais avec l’appui des
partenaires... Les soirées Miss MSM ont permis à
plusieurs d’extériorisé la féminité qui
dormait en eux pour leur plus grande épanouissement.
The Violations of the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals in Togo: A Shadow Report
(2010): Substantive Violations of the Convention ... Practical
Impact of these Violations: A source in Togo reported that individuals
who engage in same sex conduct live in fear because of existing
criminal provisions.9 Fear of exposure makes it therefore difficult to
gather information about violations on grounds of sexual orientation
and gender identity in the country. A person who has been interviewed
reported that individuals who engage in same sex conduct are vulnerable
to accusations of rape and subsequent attempts at extortion by
consensual sexual partners. Blackmail is a serious problem, yet rather
common, in sub- Saharan countries where same sex conduct is
criminalized. The risk to individuals is twofold, as a recent report
puts it: “The illegality and stigma attached to particular behaviours
or identities may give victims good reason to value non-disclosure, and
to go to great lengths to prevent disclosure from taking place.
Secondly, sexuality limits the access of LGBT people to the police, the
rule of law, and the personal and professional support networks that
allow victims to cope with threats.” A source in Togo reported that an
individual was imprisoned for five months due to such a rape
accusation, where the same sex conduct in question was consensual. This
would indicate that the provision criminalizing same sex conducts has been applied in recent times...
Rapport de mission Togo (2008, Translation):
d’une mobilisation MSM: Les personnes rencontrées font
part de ce que les problématiques IST reviennent
fréquemment dans les discussions avec les MSM rencontrées
lors des soirées de convivialité ou des séances de
prévention. Même en l’absence de données sur la
séroprévalence au sein de cette population
vulnérable, ceci constitue une incitation au soutien à
une action communautaire pilote de dépistage et de prise en
charge... Les personnes rencontrées font part de ce que les
problématiques IST reviennent fréquemment dans les
discussions avec les MSM rencontrées lors des soirées de
convivialité ou des séances de prévention.
Même en l’absence de données sur la
séroprévalence au sein de cette population
vulnérable, ceci constitue une incitation au soutien à
une action communautaire pilote de dépistage et de prise en
charge. Les personnes rencontrées ont été mises en
contact avec les partenaires togolais, notamment ACS et EVT. Il s’agit
pour elles de discuter avec ces associations des possibilités de
mener des actions orientées vers les MSM à travers un
Resources: - Behind the Mask - A Web Site on Gay and Lesbian Affairs in Africa. - Africa by Country: Togo. Togo Archive. - African Veil: Countries Covered: Togo. - Queer afrol. - Afrol News; Gay/Lesbian Archives. - theGully.com news & Articles: Africa.
Global Gayz: Africa: Togo News Reports From 2009 to the Present. - ILGA: Africa: Togo. - LGBT rights in Togo. - Sodomy Laws. - Human Rights Watch: Use Search Function. - Amnesty International: Use Search Function. - Pink News: Europe's Largest Gay News Service: Africa. - AsylumLaw.Org: Sexual Minorities & HIV Status: Documents / Reports / Website Links / Organizations. - Togo Individual Documents Since 2000. - Links to News Sources for GLBT World.MSMGF News Articles & Documents Resources. By Region & Country: - Sub-Saharan Africa: - Togo.
Searching for Free Papers & Abstracts / Reports / Presentations / Articles on the Internet
Search Engines & Directories: - Google.com. - Google Scholar. - MSN
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Search for Free Papers / Book Reviews: - All Papers are free at BioMed Cental (Open Access) & PubMed Central. - HighWire Press (Numerous Free Papers). eScholarship Repository: University of California, e-books, journals and peer-reviewed documents. - DSpace Eprints: Australian National University. - DSpace@MIT. - Virginia Tech: Digital Library / Archives. - eScholarship: U of California. - University of Southampton CiteBase. - Eprints: University of Nottingham. - T-Space at The University of Toronto Libraries. - NTUR, National Taiwan University. - Allacademic: Some free papers to either read online or download as PDFs. - UNESCO: Articles, Report, Dissertations, Films, etc. - Kyoto University Research Information Repository. - Doctoral dissertations and other publications from the University of Helsinki. - E-LIS: eprints in Library & Information Services. - CogPrints: eprints. - RePEc: Research Papers in Economics. - DiVa: Scandinavian University Documents. - The International Gay & Lesbian Review (IGLR): Book Reviews & Abstracts. - InterAlia, a peer-edited scholarly journal for queer theory.
Search for Free Articles, Papers or Reports: FindArticles.com - The Free Library. - France Queer Resources Directory. - Séminaire gai. - The QRD. - GLBTQ: The Encyclopedia of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer Culture. - Human Rights Campaign. - IGLHRC: The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. - ILGA: The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association. - ILGA-Europe: International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association of Europe. - Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. - Kinsey Institute Staff Publications. - Sexual Policy Watch Working Papers. - NAZ Foundation International: Primary aim is to improve the sexual health and human rights of marginalised males who have sex with males, their partners and families in South Asia and elsewhere. The World Health Orgazization. - The Body: The complete HIV/AIDS Resource. - POZ Magazine: Archive dates back to 1994.
Search for Papers, with Abstract Available (Some May Be Free): The National Library of Medicine (Free papera are highlighted). Abstracts from searches are available at: ERIC: The Education Resources Information Center (Many Free Documents). - Informaworld. - Oxford Journals (Some Open Access Content). - Springer Journals (Some Open Access Content). - ScienceDirect Journals. - University of California Press Journals on Caliber. - IngentaConnect. - Project
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