Student Experience Think Tank

Student Experience Think Tank

Gathering the UCalgary community to develop student-focused solutions to address affordability, housing, food security, wellness and wellbeing, and international student support.

What We Heard report now available

Students are at the heart of shaping the university experience. On October 9, 2024, Student Experience and Support invited students for the inaugural Student Experience Think Tank to discuss key issues impacting their university journey—including affordability, housing, food security, wellness and well-being, and international student support. 

The What We Heard Report presents authentic student contributions, as well as the key insights and recommendations that emerged from these discussions. The key findings will help shape our roadmap as we work to continue improving student support services and create a transformative student experience.

Key findings include:

  • Calls for more accessible and transparent financial supports
  • The need for improved housing options and affordability measures
  • Expanded wellness services and enhanced mental health support
  • Strategies to tackle food insecurity on campus
  • Stronger resources for international students adjusting to life at UCalgary
Think Tank engagement activity - Dotmocracy