Appointment Work - Call for Names
At its January 15, 2025 meeting, the GFC Executive Committee will be nominating for the appointment of one academic staff member to the Academic Staff Criteria and Processes Handbook Working Group. At this time individuals are invited to suggest a colleague, or themselves, for consideration for nomination. The deadline to submit a name is 12:00 noon on January 15, 2025.
Submit a name in care of Elizabeth Sjogren, Governance Coordinator (GFC Lead), at, and include the following information about the person being suggested:
- Name
- Department, Faculty
- Academic staff rank, and whether or not tenured
- Confirmation that the individual is currently considered to be an academic staff member (i.e. not a part of the Senior Leadership Team)
- Committee(s) being nominated for
- Upcoming leave scheduled?
Any nominations/offers to serve will be acknowledged with a direct reply communication. All names of interested persons will be collected and will be provided to the GFC Executive Committee to refer to when making rank-ordered list(s) of persons to be asked to serve or to stand for election. People should have the understanding that, if they are not followed up with again with a formal invitation to serve or to stand for election, this means that the space has been otherwise filled.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Elizabeth Sjogren, Governance Coordinator (GFC Lead), at