Current Members

Current list of members of the University of Calgary Retirees Association



UCRA Membership for 2022 - 2023

Dr.          John C.                                Abra                                     Psychology

Dr.         Donald                                Addington                         Psychiatry

Dr.          Kevin                                   Alderson                             Werklund School of Education

Dr.          Fred                                     Alexander                           Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Ms          Jo-Anne Darlene             Andre                                 Communication,  Media & Film

Dr.          Anita L.                               Arduini                                Schulich School of Engineering

Dr.          Glen D.                               Armstrong                          Microbiology, Immunology & Infectious Disease

Dr.          Donald                                Barry                                   Political Science

Dr           Michael Brendan            Barry                                  Geomatics Engineering

Dr           Thomas Herbert               Barton                                 Electrical & Computer Engineering

Ms          Susan                                  Beatty                                 Libraries and Cultural Resources

Dr           Werner J.                           Becker                                 Clinical Neurosciences & Medicine

Dr           Israel                                   Belenkie                              Cardiac Science

Mr          Gunnar Johannes             Berg                                     Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dr.          Prithwi Raj                         Bishnoi                                Chemical & Petroleum Engineering

Dr           Michael C.                         Brain                                    Faculty of Medicine

Dr.         Augustine                           Brannigan                           Sociology

Dr           Robert Dickson                 Bratton                               Kinesiology

Dr.          Leon                                    Browder                             Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Oncology

Dr           Roy Irwin                            Brown                                 Education, Educational Psychology

Dr.         Thomas G.                         Brown                                 Civil Engineering

Dr.          Len                                      Bruton                                 Electrical and Computer Engineering

Dr           Lawrence Edward            Bryan                                   Medicine, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

Mr.         Keith  R.                              Burgess                               Fine Arts, Dance

Dr.          Sharon                                Cairns                                  Werklund School of Education

Dr.          Lorna Pauline                    Cammaert                          Education, Educational Psychology

Dr.         Glen W.                              Campbell                            French, Italian & Spanish

Dr.          Eloise C. J.                          Carr                                     Nursing

Dr           Cyril Eugene                      Challice                               Physics & Astronomy

Dr           Philip                                   Chang                                  Finance

Dr.          Ramananda                       Chatterjee                          Physics & Astronomy

Dr.          Brian Farrell                       Chellas                                Philosophy

Dr.          Chendanda                        Chinnappa                          Biological Sciences

Prof.      Lois Dorian                        Choksy                                Music

Dr           Kashmiri Lal                       Chowdhury                        Mechanical Engineering

Dr           Peter                                   Clark                                    Chemistry

Dr           Donna E                             Coates                               English

Dr.          John H.                               Cole                                     Library

Dr.          Heather                              Coleman                             Social Work

Dr.          John Richard                     Collins                                 Mathematics & Statistics

Dr.          Donald                                Collins                                 Social Work

Dr.          Roderick Melvin               Cooper                                Psychology

Dr           Robert                                 Cowie                                  Department of Medicine

Dr           Robin Gray                       Cox                                     Anaesthesiology, Perioperative & Pain Medicine

Dr.          Martin.J.                             Cropp                                  Greek And Roman Studies

Dr.          Rodney Ashton                 Crutcher                             Family Medicine

Dr           Ronald Wallace                Davies                                 Biological Sciences

Dr.          Doug                                   Demetrick                          Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Dr           Robert Edward                 Dewar                                 Psychology

Dr.          Lisa Marie                          DiFrancesco                       Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Dr.          Walter Hermann               Dilger                                  Civil Engineering

Dr.          Majda                                  Djordjevic                           Chemistry

Dr           Mingzhe                              Dong                                  Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

Dr           Joseph Clyde                    Dort                                    Surgery

Dr           Maire                                 Duggan                              Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Dr.          Christopher                        Eagle                                  Community Health Sciences & Anaesthesia

Prof.      Malcolm                             Edwards                              Music

Dr.          Jos                                       Eggermont                         Psychology,Physicology & Pharmacology

Dr           Edna                                    Einsiedel                             Communication, Media & Film

Dr.         Nady                                    el-Guebaly                          Psychiatry

Dr.         Sylvanus                              Enns                                    Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering

Dr.          Sheila                                  Evans                                   Nursing

Dr           Loren Ellen                       Falkenberg                        Haskayne School of Business

Dr           Owen R.                             Fauvel                                 Mechanical Engineering

Dr.         Thomas E.                          Feasby                                 Clinical Neurosciences

Dr           Thomas E.                          Flanagan                             Political Science

Dr.          Gordon T.                          Ford                                     Medicine

Dr           Robert Douglas                 Francis                                History

Dr.          Arthur                                  Frank                                   Sociology

Dr.          Anne                                    Fraser                                  Honorary Member

Ms.        Donna                                 Fremont                              Computer Science

Dr.          James                                  Frideres                               Sociology

Dr.          Marvin                                Fritzler  

Dr.          Tina Ellen                           Gabriele                              Faculty of Kinesiology

Dr           Cormack                             Gates                                   Environmental Design

Dr.          Amin                                   Ghali                                    Civil Engineering

Prof.      James Benjamin               Graham                               Management

Dr.          Nancy K.                             Grant                                   Nursing

Ms.        Anne-Marie                        Hallworth-Duez                 Languages, Linguistics, Literatures & Cultures

Ms          Jonnette Watson            Hamilton                           Law

Ms.        Judith                                  Hanson                               Faculty of Nursing

Dr.          Lawrence                           Harder                                 Biological Sciences

Dr.          Doyle G.                             Hatt                                     Anthropology

Dr.          Mike                                    Hawes                                 Kinesiology

Ms          Linda                                   Heidemann                        Chemical Engineering

Dr.          John W.                                             Heintz                                  Philosophy

Dr.         Elizabeth A.                       Henderson                         Community Health Sciences

Dr.          Stephen Matthew           Herrero                               Environmental Design

Prof.      Talmon                               Hertz                                   Music

Dr           Richard                               Heyman                              Education

Dr.          Richard Barton                 Hicks                                    Physics and Astronomy

Dr.          Lisa                                      Higham                               Computer Science

Dr.          Sandra                                 Hirst                                     Faculty of Nursing

Dr.          Sandra                                 Hoenle                                Languages, Linguistics, Literatures & Cultures

Dr.          Nina                                     Hrycak                                 Nursing

Dr.          Chiu-Ling                            Hung                                    Marketing

Dr.          Roger C.                             Jackson                               Kinesiology

Dr.          John                                     Jarrell                                  Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Dr.         Penny                                 Jennett                                Medicine

Dr           Ronald.H                            Johnston                             Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dr           James Parks                       Jones                                   Mathematics and Statistics

Dr.          David C.                              Jones                                   Werklund School of Education

Dr.         Stuart Heatley                   Jones                                   Management

Dr.          Ramesh Chandra              Joshi                                    Civil Engineering

Dr           Madeline                            Kalbach                               Sociology

Dr.          Bonnie                                Kaplan                                 Paediatrics & Community Health Sciences

Dr.          Manju                                  Kapoor                                Biological Sciences

Dr           Larry                                    Katz                                     Kinesiology

Dr.          (Mary) Anne                      Katzenberg                         Anthropology & Archaeology

Dr.          James                                  Keeley                                 Political Science

Mr          Bradley Lorne                  Kilb                                      Kinesiology

Ms.        Marjorie                             King                                     Library

Dr.          Lou                                      Knafla                                  History

Dr           Rainer                                 Knopff                                 Political Science

Dr.          Gail                                      Kopp                                    Educational Technology

Dr.          Edward                               Krebes                                 Geoscience

Dr.          Gary                                     Krivy                                    Registrar's Office

Dr.          Rene                                    Lafreniere          

Mr          William                               Laing                                   Art

Dr           Peter                                   Lancaster                           Mathematics & Statistics

Mrs.       Jean M.                               Langdon                             Nursing

Dr           Thomas                               Langford                             Sociology

Dr.          John E.                                Latter                                  Clinical Neurosciences & Pediatrics

Dr           David C. W.                       Lau                                      Medicine

Dr           Robert Frederic                Lawson                               Education, Educational Policy & Administrative

Dr           Carol-Lynne                       Le Navenec                        Nursing

Dr           Tang Gim                            Lee                                       School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape

Dr.          Valerie                                Lee                                       History

               Linda M.                             Leonard                              Chemistry / Science

Mr          Maurice Gordon              Lepper                                 Library

Dr.         Michel                                 Levy                                     Veterinary Medicine

Dr           Jacqueline                          Lewis                                   Family Medicine

Dr.          Larry Ralph                        Linton                                  Biological Sciences

Dr.         Jocelyn                                Lockyer                               Community Health Sciences

Ms          Sylvia Mary                       Loewen                               Nursing

Dr.          Eileen                                  Lohka                                  Languages, Linguistics, Literatures & Cultures

Dr           Wayne Alan                       Long                                    Management

Dr.         Kenneth                             Loose                                  Computer Science

Dr           Alfredo                                Louro                                  Physics & Astronomy

Mr.         Alastair                               Lucas                                   Faculty of Law

               Krystyna                              Lukasiewicz                        Mechanical Engineering

Dr           Colin Edward                     Lumby                                 Kinesiology

Dr           Marlene Marie                  Mackie                                Sociology

Dr           Andrew                               Maitland                             Cardiac Sciences

Dr.          Om Parkash                       Malik                                   Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dr.          Nancy J.                              Marlett                               Community Health Sciences

Prof.      Theresa H.                         Maxwell                              Kinesiology

Ms.        Mary                                   McConnell                          Libraries & Cultural Resources

Dr           Wayne                                McCready                           Religious Studies

Dr.          Meg                                     McDonagh                         Nursing

Dr.          John Ralph                         McDonald                          Social Work

Dr.          James                                  McGhee                              Biochemistry

Mrs        Catherine C.                      McGinley                            Continuing Education

Dr.         Ruby Elaine                        McKiel                                 Nursing

Mr.         Stuart G. A.                        McKinnon                           Human Resources

Dr           Michael                               McMordie                          Environmental Design

Dr           Arthur Edward                  McMullen                           Civil Engineering

Dr.          Willem H.                           Meeuwisse                         Kinesiology

Dr           Geoffrey                             Melvill-Jones                     Clinical Neurosciences

Dr           Donald Leon                      Mills                                     Sociology

Dr.          Eugene.F.                           Milone                                Physics & Astronomy

Dr           Ian                                       Mitchell                              Paediatrics

Dr.          Per                                       Mokkelbost                        Faculty of Management

Prof.      John                                    Mueller                               Applied Psychology

Prof.      Ronald                               Murch                                 Management

Dr           Henri                                   Mydlarski                            French, Italian & Spanish

Prof.      Donna Mae                       Mydlarski                            Continuing Education

Dr.         Douglas L.                          Myhre                                 Family Medicine

Ms.        Marilyn Doris                    Nasserden                          Library

Dr           Jill                                         Nation                                 Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Mrs.       Ada-Marie Atkins             Nechka                               Library

Dr.          James  W.                          Nicholls                               Geology

Dr.          William                               Nicholson                           Mathematics & Statistics

Dr.          Lawrence                           Nkemdirim                         Geography

Mrs        Margaret                            Oliver                                  [Geology]

Dr.          Ivan J. T.                             Parboosingh       Medical Education and Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Dr           Anthony Joseph               Parel                                    Political Science

Dr.          Roger William                   Peattie                                English

Ms          Liv                                        Pedersen                            [Chemistry]

Ms.        Marcia L.                            Perkins                                Art

Prof       William Taylor                  Perks                                   Environmental Design

Dr.          Andrew                               Pernal                                 

Dr.          James Hayes Warwick    Pexman                               Neurology

Dr           Allen                                    Ponak                                  Management

Dr           D. Gregory                         Powell                                 Family & Emergency Medicine

Dr.          Timothy                              Pyrch                                   Social Work

Dr.          Harvey                                Rabin                                   Medicine

Dr           Hazel Lorraine                   Radtke                               Psychology

Dr.          Stephen James                Randall                                History

Dr.          Arvi                                      Rauk                                    Chemistry

Dr.         Ronald R.                           Read                                    Medicine

Dr           Harvey                                Rich                                     Sociology

Dr           James McNulty A.            Robinson                            Management

Dr           Margaret Rebecca           Rodway                               Social Work

Dr           Hetty                                   Roessingh                           Education

Dr.          Jacqueline. C. E.                Romney                              French, Italian and Spanish

Dr.          Patricia                               Rosenau                             Nursing

Mr          Nicholas Michael              Roukes                                Art

Dr.         Dennis R.                            Salahub                               Chemistry

Dr.          Kestutis                               Salkauskas                          Mathematics & Statistics

Mrs.       Samia                                  Sargious              

Dr.          Reginald                             Sauve                                  Community Health Sciences & Paediatrics

Dr           Norman                              Schachar                             Surgery

Dr.          Gil .A.                                  Schultz                                Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Dr.         Eliezer L.                             Segal                                   Classics and Religion

Dr.         Robert                               Seiler                                   Communication and Culture

Dr.          Tamara P.                           Seiler                                   Communication and Culture

Dr.          David                                   Severson                             Physiology and Pharmacology

Dr.         Gordon A.                          Sick                                      Concentration Areas

Dr           Michael G.                        Sideris                                Geomatics Engineering

Dr.          Edward .A.                         Silver                                   Faculty of Management

Dr.          Geoffrey                             Simmins                              Art

Dr.          Phil                                       Simony                                Geology and Geophysics

Dr.          J. Steven                             Simpson                              Psychiatry & Oncology

Mr.         Robert H.                           Sivertsen                             Administration, Communications Media

Dr.          David Donald B.               Smith                                   History

Dr.         Eldon                                   Smith                                   Medicine

Dr.          Deborah                             Spratt                                  Geoscience

Dr           Henderikus                         Stam                                    Psychology

Dr.          Robert A.                           Stebbins                              Sociology

Mrs.       Apollonia                            Steele                                  Library

Dr.          Richard Adolph                 Stein                                    Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dr           William                               Stell                                     Cell Biology & Anatomy

Dr.         Kenneth James                 Stevenson                          Biological Sciences

Dr.          Susan B.C.                          Stratton                              English

Dr           Douglas                               Strother                              Oncology

Dr.          Thomas W.                        Swaddle                              Chemistry

Prof.      Dale Morley                      Taylor                                  Environmental Design

Dr.         Hendrik E. D. J.                 Ter Keurs                            Cardiac Science

Dr           Wilfreda Enid                    Thurston                             Community Health Sciences

Dr.          Frederick Nicholas           Trofimenkoff                     Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dr           Martin James                    Trotter                                Pathology & Laboratory Med

Dr.          Aaron                                  Tubman                              Faculty of Kinesiology

Dr.          Mary Elizabeth                  Valentich                            Social Work

Dr           Cornelis                              Van de Panne                    Economics

Dr           Hans J.                                Vogel                                   Biological Sciences

Dr.         Gerrit                                   Voordouw                          Biological Sciences

Mrs.       Leianne                               Vye-Rogers                        Nursing

Dr.          Douglas C.                          Walker                                French, Italian and Spanish

Dr.         Stuart Arthur                     Walker                                Environmental Design

Dr.          Richard                               Wanner                                              Sociology

Dr           Norman Claude                Wardlaw                             Geology & Geophysics

Dr.          Catharine Elizabeth         Warren                               Continuing Education

Dr           David L.                               Watt                                    Education

Dr.          Charles F.                           Webber                               Education

Dr.         Myron                                 Weber                               Management

Mrs.       Mary                                    Westell                               Libraries & Cultural Resources

Dr.          Terry                                   White                                  Administration, Past President

Dr           Christopher Bruce           Wilkes                                Psychiatry

Dr.          Michael R.                          Williams                              Computer Science

Dr           Margaret Christine           Williams                              Social Work - Calgary Division

Dr.          Elizabeth                             Wilman                               Economics

Dr           William J. F.                       Wilson                                 Physics and Astronomy

Dr           Jaana Marketta                 Woiceshyn                         Strategy and Global Management

Dr.          Robert                                 Woodrow                           Mathematics & Statistics

Dr.          James R.                             Wright  

Dr.          Howard L.                          Yeager                                Chemistry