Welcome from your Students' Union
Whether you are a new student at the UofC or a returning student, you have access to a variety of programs, services and events as a member of the Students' Union (SU).
Undergraduate students automatically become a member of the SU upon entrance to the UofC. As a member, you have access to a wide range of academic supports, social events and other opportunities to make your university experience one of the most exciting times in your life..
The Students Union is made up of students elected by undergraduate students. Your elected officials work hard to make the undergraduate experience the best it can be. The SU offers awesome events throughout the year including Cinemania, Enviropalooza, Political Action Week, and many great musical acts.
As part of our mandate, we also fight for quality education by lobbying the municipal, provincial and federal governments on issues that directly effect students. We help sponsor and create large scale public campaigns to highlight the importance of university funding - all in an effort to lessen the financial burden faced by students.
The SU also houses a Students' Rights Advisor to assist you if you have any academic issues or concerns. In addition, to help undergrads reach the peak of their academic potential, we offer resources such as travel and conference funding, which is available to help expand your academic horizons.
Being part of the campus community is very important and the Students' Union offers a variety of opportunities to get involved. Whether it's volunteering through one of the SU Volunteer Services Programs or joining one of the SU Clubs, there's something for everyone. Visit us online (http://www.su.ucalgary.ca) to find out more about the services and supports available!
The Students' Union welcomes you and invites you to get involved with your campus community!