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The University has directed that attendance will not be considered when assessing a student's grade except in certain courses where class participation may be a necessary component of the course. Regular attendance is advised for students in all courses and there is no regulation which precludes an instructor from taking attendance in the class.

The full responsibility for meeting class and laboratory assignments, tests and term papers of the section of the course in which he/she is officially registered lies solely with the student. It is the responsibility of students who have prolonged absences from class because of physical and/or emotional health problems to present to the faculty office offering the course a statement from a physician/counsellor attesting to the physical or emotional health of the student. It is expected that this statement will normally be given only if the student presents himself/herself to a physician/counsellor while the problem still exists rather than after recovery.

A student who is absent from a test for legitimate reasons must discuss an alternative course of action with the instructor. The instructor at his or her discretion may transfer the percentage weight for the test to the final examination, if there is a final examination in the course, set another test, etc. An instructor will normally make this decision on the basis of verbal information provided by the student. In the event that an instructor feels that he/she cannot judge the veracity of the information provided, the student may be required to submit a completed Physician/Counsellor Statement form to confirm an absence for health reasons. Students must be aware that they are responsible for payment of any charge associated with the medical assessment and documentation as this service falls outside the realm of services provided by the Provincial Health Care Plan.

See also Deferral of Final Examinations or Deferral of Term Work.