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University UNIV

Instruction offered by the University and individual Faculties depending on the topic(s) being covered.

Junior Course

University 205 H(3-0)

Become an Effective Learner

This course will focus on learning in adulthood. Theories, research, and practice regarding learning and thinking will be discussed. The importance of metacognition, attention, memory, emotions, motivation, and attitudes to learning will be discussed. Students will be expected to apply the theory and research to their own learning experiences. Students will learn about themselves as learners and how to improve their learning through class activities, assignments, and journaling.

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Senior Courses

University 301 H(3S-0)

The Poisoned Pen

Consideration of poisons from two different perspectives, science and literature. Using a problem-based approach, students will not only learn what makes a poison effective but also the essence of good story-telling.

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University 303 H(3S-0)

The Big Picture: A User's Guide to Knowledge

Introduction to foundations of knowledge in major academic disciplines. Knowledge: its scope is vast; its growth is fast. If education has any hope of being adequate to this situation, strategies to getting the big picture need to be developed. The development of such strategies is the subject of this course and success in this endeavour would be the creation of a big picture - a picture which would guide the educated person with respect to the whole of knowledge.

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University 401 H(3-0)

Topic in Interdisciplinary Studies

The focused examination of a topic from a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives.


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University 501 H(0-4)

Experiential Learning

An application of theory in a community or workplace setting.

Prerequisites: Consent of the student's faculty.

Note: Information regarding procedures to be followed in registering for this course is available from Associate Deans (Student Affairs) of undergraduate faculties and the Registrar.


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University 511 H(3-0)

Special Topics in Sustainability

511.01. Introduction to Sustainable Development
511.02. Theoretical Basis for Interdisciplinary Intervention and Design

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University 513 H(0-8)

Introduction to Interdisciplinary Design Practice

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University 515 H(0-8)

Advanced Interdisciplinary Design Practice

Prerequisites: University 511.01.

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Graduate Courses

University 601 H(3-0)

Ethics of Research with Human Subjects

A multidisciplinary course addressing issues in research with human subjects. Topics include theoretical approaches to understanding ethics, respect for persons, benefit and harm, confidentiality and publication, and selection of research subjects. Taught by a multidisciplinary team with very broad experience on research ethics boards.

Prerequisites: Consent of the Course Co-ordinator.

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University 611 H(3-0)

Special Topics in Sustainability

611.01. Introduction to Sustainable Development
611.02. Theoretical Basis for Interdisciplinary Intervention and Design


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University 613 H(0-8)

Introduction to Interdisciplinary Design Practice

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University 615 H(0-8)

Advanced Interdisciplinary Design Practice

Prerequisites: University 611.01.

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