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Language LANG

Instruction and services offered by the departments of Linguistics, French, Italian and Spanish, Germanic, Slavic and East Asian Studies, and the faculty of Education.

For program information please contact one of the Faculties of Education, Humanities or Social Sciences.

Senior Courses

Language 599 H (3-0)

Topics in the Study of Language

Topics will reflect developments in current research in second language acquisition and learning, will vary from session to session and will be announced in advance.

Prerequisites: Consent of the home department

Note: May be repeated for credit.


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Graduate Courses

Only where appropriate to a student's program may graduate credit be received for courses numbered…

Language 605 H (3-0)

Second Language Learning and Pedagogy

Theoretical and practical overview of the processes involved in acquiring a second language, with a focus on naturalistic language acquisition and on classroom strategies and classroom language learning.

Prerequisites: Consent of the home department.

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Language 615 H (3-0)

Second Language Learning and Technology

Theoretical and practical aspects of incorporating technology into the language classroom. A general overview in the context of theories of second language acquisition of using the Web, electronic mail, on line chat discussion, and videoconferencing as tools in language teaching / learning; students will also learn to create their own web sites and web activities for teaching.

Prerequisites: Consent of the home department.

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Language 625 H (3-0)

Second Language Learning and Cultural Understanding

Anintroduction to the interdisciplinary nature of "culture" as it pertains to second language teaching and learning.

Prerequisites: Consent of the home department.

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Language 699 H (3-0)

Research Seminar in Second Language Learning

Centered round a professor's current research project, the course will engage students as members of a collaborative research team that will serve as a practical exposure to research methods in the area of second language learning and acquisition.

Prerequisites: Consent of the home department.

Note: May be repeated for credit.


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