March 16, 2018

Warren Kinsella, LLB'87, delivers 2018 Merv Leitch, QC Memorial Lecture

Alumnus Warren Kinsella, LLB'87, gave the 2018 Leitch, QC Memorial Lecture on March 15, on the rise of nativism and racism in the Trump and Brexit era.

Alumnus Warren Kinsella, LLB'87, gave the 2018 Leitch, QC Memorial Lecture on March 15, on the rise of nativism and racism in the Trump and Brexit era.

The Merv Leitch, QC Memorial Lecture series was established by the late Peter Lougheed and other friends and associates of Mr. Leitch to honour the significant contributions he made while serving his fellow Albertans. This lecture is funded through an endowment established by friends and associates of Mr. Leitch. The endowment allows for lectures to be held on topics of public importance.

The Leitch family has also established two scholarships for law students, one in Constitutional Law and one in Natural Resources Law. 2L Elisa Stewart (constitutional) and 3L Johnathan Tomm (natural resources law) are the 2017-2018 scholarship winners.