Nov. 23, 2023
V.112 Release Notes
Last night we released V.112 of the UCalgary Web System. Please review the release notes to see what has been updated during the latest release.
What’s Fixed?
Bugs and issues resolved in the latest release.
- Keyboard navigation behaviour for drop-down menu: Keyboard navigation behaviour has been updated for the main navigation/drop-down menu elements to ensure proper accessibility of navigational elements for keyboard users.
- Menu/navigation issue: Occasionally a ‘#’ symbol would get appended to the URL, resulting in the inability to open menu drop-downs. This issue has been resolved in this release.
- Clone page layout: Clone page layout feature on was causing 500 errors.
- Issues with rounded blocks: Multiple issues with rounded blocks were resolved in this release, one around block padding and one related to full bleed formats for blocks with white background colours.
- Mini Hero CTA cleanup: Some cleanup was done to resolve issues with Hero CTA’s using the mini format in some instances.
- News Hero image: Some additional cropping was being applied at the top of Hero images in the news system and was resolved in this release.
- Marketo logo link issue: The logo at the top of the UToday newsletter was not linking users to the UCalgary News website as expected and was resolved in this release.
What’s New?
New features, block enhancements, and system updates from the latest release.
- Line spacing: Line spacing for text elements was identified as an accessibility and readability issue, so line spacing was increased across the system to increase readability of page copy.
- Land Acknowledgement update: The Land Acknowledgement has been updated on both the LiveWhale and Drupal templates.
- Accent colours: It was identified that some of the system accent colours did not provide enough contrast to pass accessibility checkers. A review of accent colours was conducted to identify more appropriate accent colours in the system. New accent colours were implemented in this release.
- Menu block focus states: Improvements were made to the focus states for the internal site search field in the website header for increased accessibility for keyboard navigation.
- News feed text link: The default “Learn more” text links on news feed blocks were flagged as an accessibility issue. Article links are now applied to the article heading to align with best practices for news content.
Other items from this release
- Colour picker module update
- CK Editor upgrade investigation
- Drupal 10 upgrade investigation
*Please remember to clear your browser cache after each release!
Upcoming Items
Work that is currently in progress and will be included in an upcoming release.
- Profile list block errors with individual profiles
- Block availability in layouts
- Block character count issue
- File system permission issue
- 500 errors on Chrome
- Menu behaviour on mobile
- News landing page search
- Site admin teams access issue
- Masonry gallery block issue
- Duplicate account issue for some authors
- Profiles <> People data integration
- Page filter block mobile view cleanup
- Masonry gallery style cleanup