Aug. 18, 2021

The Tao of the World Auditions

Audition Dates September 9, 10 & 11, 2021



The Tao of the World 


Audition dates: September 9, 10, 11

Possible callback date: September 12



Rehearsals and Performance Dates:

The Tao of the World will start rehearsals on January 3, 2022 and will be performed at the

University Theatre from February 11 to 19. 



We're looking for performers for a new play called The Tao of the World written and directed by MFA candidate Jovanni Sy

The play 

The Tao of the World is a sexy rom-com set in modern-day Singapore. The play is a fun re-imagining of William Congreve's classic 1700 Restoration comedy The Way of the World by way of the movie Crazy Rich Asians


After a global pandemic has kept everyone isolated for nearly two years, Singapore's wealthy elite try to make up for lost time by hatching schemes to bed other people's partners and to swindle one another out of family fortunes. 


What we're looking for 

There are several roles available (see Character Descriptions), both speaking roles and non-speaking roles. Non-speaking roles would involve singing on-stage. 


You don't have to be a Drama major to audition or to have any prior stage experience—enthusiasm and commitment, however, are a must.


And although certain ethnicities are specified in the Character Descriptions, there is a certain amount of flexibility in casting.


Your commitment 

If you want to perform in The Tao of the World, your commitment would be to: 

  • rehearse between 10-24 hours per week (depending on the size of your role) starting January 3, 2022 
  • rehearse 24-30 hours per week starting in February (where no absences are permitted) until our opening night on February 11 


How to audition 

If you can commit this time to the play and you would like to audition, here's what to do: 

  1. Download and/or read these documents from this folder 
    TAO casting folder
    1. TAO Audition Form 
    2. Full script of The Tao of the World [TAO draft 2021-08-12.pdf]
    3. TAO Character Descriptions 
    4. TAO Audition Tips and Etiquette
  2. After you've decided which role or roles you'd like to audition for, you'll need to: 
    1. Book an audition slot through Signup Genius
    2. Fill out and return the TAO Audition Form that you downloaded 
    3. Download and the sides that correspond to the role you are auditioning for (from this folder TAO sides)
  1. For your audition, you will read the sides (a short scene from 2-5 pages) with a reader that we provide. This is the only thing you need to prepare ahead of time. 
  2. On the day of your audition, after you read the sides, you may be asked to do the scene again in a different way or to sing a short phrase. It will be short, fun, and painless! 


*** Drama majors/minors may be eligible for a practicum credit.