May 26, 2020
Spatial Leaders + their Stories & Cool Stuff

We’re pleased to share with you a series of podcasts that introduce some incredible spatial leaders, shares their stories, and gets their advice for building an exciting and deeply fulfilling life and career.
The Podcasts were created by Schulich School of Engineering Teaching Professor Dr. Alex Bruton and feature leaders who teach in or have graduated from our school with titles such as Professor, CEO, CTO, VP Innovation (Autonomy and Positioning), Search and Rescue Pilot, Graduate Student, and Top-8 Academic All-Canadian Athlete.
If you’re looking for a truly leading-edge next step then be sure to check it out:

Here's the list of the Podcasts (more to come!)
- Steve Liang, Professor of Geomatics Engineering + Founder and CTO, SensorUp
Dr. Steve Liang is a prof in the program as well as CTO of this Internet of Things startup.
- Natasha Spokes, Co-Founder and CEO, FarCloser Travel
Natasha Spokes is a program grad as well as CEO of this international travel company.
- Sandy Kennedy, VP Innovation Autonomy and Positioning, Hexagon
Sandy Kennedy is a program grad as well as VP Innovation at a top Calgary-based tech company.
- Kate Pexman, Graduate Student and Top-8 Academic All-Canadian Athlete
Kate Pexman is a grad student in the program and Top-8 Academic All-Canadian Athlete.
- Major Brett Banadyga, Search and Rescue Pilot in the Canadian Armed Forces
Major Brett Banadyga is a program grad and Search and Rescue Pilot.
- Kate Cairns, BCLS and Geomatics Technology & Remote Sensing Branch Manager at McElhanney
Kate Cairns is a program grad and technology manager whose career is on the rise.
- Ivan Maddox, Executive Vice President Commercial Solutions at Intermap
Ivan Maddox is a program grad turned product manager and senior executive who's tech helped with the Thai cave rescue.