Oct. 29, 2020

Please join me in congratulating our colleagues..


Dear Colleagues, 

There were many things that were cancelled or postponed by the lockdown in the spring, not the least of which was the bestowing of our department's awards for the teaching of clinical clerks. These awards would normally have been presented at the Annual Awards Dinner n June. At this time, I would like to announce the Anesthesia Department's Awards for Teaching in the Anesthesia Clerkship for the University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine's Class of 2020. Please join me in congratulating our colleagues:

FMC - Dr. Alan lee

PLC - Dr. Dean Jordan

RGH - Dr. Alan Chu

Resident Award - Dr. Evan Woo


I would also like to announce that there were three hundred individuals who are receiving the Exceptional Service to Clerkship Award for their work in creating an online orientation for the Anesthesia Clerkship Rotation:

Dr. Heather Hurdle

Dr. Joshua Nicholas

Dr. Ryden Armstrong


Congratulations to you all!


Karl Darcus

Anesthesia Clerkship Director