Sept. 3, 2021
Passport to Spanish Culture

A Group Study Program in Spain will soon be available for students to enroll in! Planned for May 3 to May 31 next year, you can study at the prestigious Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (UAH), one of the oldest and top-ranking universities in Spain. The University is located in the cultural yet modern town of Alcalá de Henares, which is a short trip from Madrid. Watch a video on the Spanish program at UAH here.

Studying abroad enhances your resume, allows you to make new friends, and helps you to acquire specific skills.
Spain is the ideal location to learn and improve your Spanish, and knowing the language opens doors to many opportunities in Europe, Latin America, and other regions. Spain is home to some of the world’s top universities, and is the location of many international corporate headquarters. This Group Study Program will allow you to build connections, improve your Spanish skills, travel in Spain, and be immersed in Spanish culture!
The following courses will be offered in the program, and students will take three courses (9 units) in total, choosing between the first two course set options based on their Spanish level:
Option 1
- SPAN 301 – Intermediate Spanish I
- SPAN 323 – Introduction to Textual Analysis
Option 2
- SPAN 499.17 – Spanish for Business
- SPAN 532.02 – Contemporary Spanish Cinema
All students take:
- ROST 499.09 – Iberian Cultures (Experiential Learning)
ROST 499.09 will be delivered through a combination of indoor classes, site visits, and tours
You will stay at Lope de Vega Residence Hall, and all students will be given individual rooms.
In this program, Spain is the classroom! You will get to go on guided visits to Casa Cervantes, and the El Prado and Reina Sofía museums in Madrid. There will also be trips to Toledo and Granada, and business site visits to Mahou Beer Factory and Amazon Headquarters.

Reina Sofía museum
Hear what this student had to say about her international experience in Alcalá de Henares:
In the Spring of 2018, I participated in an immersive group study program in Alcalá de Henares, Spain. One of the courses [in the program] was a Spanish language course taught at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. This course was a wonderful opportunity to learn at a new university institution, improve my Spanish language skills, and experience how courses are taught in Spain. Another course was a Spanish culture course taught by the University of Calgary professor who travelled with us through a number of field trips and activities. As part of this course, our group went on a number of excursions to different museums as well as on two trips to Toledo and Sevilla. Our trip to Toledo was a day trip and our trip to Sevilla was a weekend trip. These were both wonderful opportunities to see more parts of Spain and the rich history that is there.
Since this program was a group study, I was also able to travel with fellow University of Calgary students, which provided the invaluable opportunity to travel with like-minded individuals who I was able to share unforgettable experiences with. Travelling with your peers is an amazing way to form lasting memories and friendships that you are then able to take back home with you. I am still good friends with many of the people I met on this trip, and I cannot imagine my university experience without them. This study abroad program was truly a life changing experience that I am extremely grateful to have had.
-Claire Paton, Bachelor of Science Honours & Bachelor of Education Student

Claire Paton
Hear what this alumna thought of her international experience in Spain:
Going on this Group Study Program to Spain is a decision I will never regret. Not only [did it help] improve my Spanish and complete courses for my Spanish minor, but [it also] made me fall in [love] with this beautiful country, it's unique culture, amazing people, and delicious food. The program coordinators ensured each detail was taken care of in advance so that we could truly enjoy this unforgettable experience.
-Olga Titica, Bachelor of Science & Minor in Spanish (Graduated in 2019)
The combination of language and culture course components creates a program that is open to a diverse set of academic backgrounds. Spain is developing as a ‘global intellectual hub’, and is a great fit for any student looking to expand their cultural and academic horizons!
For those who wish to enroll and are also seeking financial support, The Julio Peris Scholarship is available for undergraduate students who are registered in exchange and group study programs in Spain.
To learn more about this Group Study Program, please go to the program page. You can also contact Dr. Elizabeth Montes Garcés ( or the Study Abroad Office (