May 23, 2024

To mask or not to mask?

Comprehensive international review, including work from two UCalgary researchers, confirms mask effectiveness against respiratory infections, urges better design and policy support

Calgary, AB –  A new comprehensive review published in Clinical Microbiology Reviews provides strong evidence that masks and respirators are effective in reducing the transmission of respiratory infections like COVID-19. The review, conducted by an international team of 13 researchers, and analysed over 400 studies from multiple disciplines, including epidemiology, public health, engineering, and social sciences. This review included work by two UCalgary researchers, Dr. Mark Ungrin from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Dr. Joe Vipond from the Cumming School of Medicine.

The team's novel contributions include re-analyses of key clinical trials and observational studies, as well as a synthesis of evidence from fields ranging from fluid dynamics to anthropology. This comprehensive approach allowed the researchers to not only assess the effectiveness of masks under experimental conditions, but also to explore the real-world factors that influence their use and impact.

While the review found no serious harms from mask-wearing, it did identify some challenges, such as discomfort, communication difficulties – for hearing-impaired people for example – and environmental waste. However, the authors frame these as opportunities for further research and improvement rather than fundamental flaws.

"Our review confirms that masks work, with a clear dose-response effect. The more consistently and correctly you wear a mask, the better protected you are. Respirators, when worn continuously, provide even greater protection than ordinary masks."

Dr. Trisha Greenhalgh, lead author with the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford

The full research paper published in Clinical Microbiology Reviews can be read here.


Media inquiries

Samantha Hust
Manager, Marketing & Communications

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