June 19, 2024

ASA International Migration Section 2024 Awards

Drs. Asayesh and Kazemipur received honorable mention for Louis Wirth Best Article Award.

Join us in congratulating Dr. Omid Asayesh and Dr. Abdolmohammad Kazemipur on receiving an honorable mention from ASA International Migration Section for the 2024 Louis Wirth Best Article Award!

2024 Louis Wirth Best Article Award
The award is given annually to the outstanding article written by member(s) of the International Migration section published during the preceding two years. 

Honorable Mention: Asayesh, Omid and Abdolmohammad Kazemipur. 2023. "Homo Emigraturus vs. Anti Emigraturus: The Rise of Involuntary Immobility in Iran and Its Consequences" Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 50 (4) 970–993.