Handbook for Academic Staff in Information Resources
6th Edition

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See Section 4 for Criteria for Appointment, Promotion and Performance Assessment.
7.2   Appointment Review Committees
7.3   Documentation
7.4   Specific Term Appointments

7.1 The policies and procedures regarding appointment review and renewal are stated in Section 5 of APT. The following procedures relate specifically to the Appointment Review committees in Information Resources and the documentation required.
7.2.1 Composition
The Appointment Review Committee shall be composed of:
a) The Director of Information Resources, or delegate as outlined in APT 5.6.5., who must not be the applicant's Principal Evaluator (Chair).
b) Four academic appointees with tenure, at least one of whom must be from outside Information Resources.
The internal appointees are appointed by the Director from the tenured members of the Selection, Promotions and Appointment Review Committee.
The external appointee is appointed by the Director normally from a faculty or other unit related to the applicant's current responsibilities. The applicant shall be invited to suggest names of possible external appointees.
c) Up to two academic appointees named by the Director. Normally, this will include a colleague from the affected disciplinary group(s).
d) For each applicant, the Principal Evaluator as a participating but non-voting member of the Committee.
e) A member appointed by the Faculty Association, who shall be present as a participating but non-voting member of the Committee.
f) One student member chosen by the Director. The Director may make a request to the VP(A) of the Students' Union Executive or to the President of the Graduate Students' Association for suitable student candidates. (non-voting)
(03.11.28) Both genders shall be represented at all meetings.
(98.01.30) In addition to the required membership stipulated in Section 7.2.1 the Director may appoint an appropriate external member of a relevant profession to the Academic Appointment Review Committee.
(01.11.30) An Academic Appointment Review Committee may not meet unless
a) the following members are present:
i) the Chair;
ii) at least two of the academic appointees named in Section 7.2.1 (b), one of whom must be from outside Information Resources;
iii) at least one of the members appointed by the Director;
iv) the Principal Evaluator;
v) the member appointed by the Faculty Association;

b) both genders are represented.


7.2.2 Procedures The two referees external to the University as required by Section 5.8.1 (d) of APT shall be chosen as follows:
a) First Referee
The applicant will forward a ranked list to the Director who will select one referee from this list.
b) Second Referee
The Director will choose the second referee, not necessarily from the applicant's list.
The Director shall send to each referee: (a) the applicant's curriculum vitae; (b) criteria for appointments With Tenure; (c) the applicant's Application for Appointment with Tenure excluding the Principal Evaluator's assessment.
(01.11.30) The Director or delegate as outlined in APT 5.6.5 shall solicit advice from academic staff at the University of Calgary:
a) All tenured staff within Information Resources must be given an opportunity for input.
b) Tenured academic staff from outside the applicant's Department will be given opportunity for input when such persons have direct knowledge of the applicant's academic work. The applicant may suggest who should be consulted, but the Director may consult with others as well. The Director must provide the applicant with a list of all those whose advice was sought.
c) The Director will make available the curriculum vitae and documentation provided by the applicant as per Section 7.3.1 for no less than two weeks for inspection by those included in the consultation process. Under no circumstances shall the Director disclose the contents of letters solicited from referees, which are confidential to the Academic Appointment Review Committee.
d) Signed, written comments will be invited. Guidelines will be provided for the submission of these comments.
e) The Director shall maintain a confidential written record of any comments received. A fair summary of the advice shall be presented to the Academic Appointment Review Committee by the applicant's principal evaluator.
(01.11.30) Written minutes of all of the meetings shall be prepared. These minutes are confidential and are kept in Information Resources Administration separate from the general files. These minutes may be consulted through application to the Director.
7.3.1 The applicant applying for an appointment with tenure is expected to provide an updated curriculum vitae, relevant research/publication materials, and other materials relevant to the application together with an Application for Appointment With Tenure. These documents become part of the applicant's file.
7.3.2 Copies of the assessment and recommendation prepared by the Principal Evaluator, as appropriate, along with pertinent documents in the applicant's file, shall be available to the members of the Committee a week before its meeting.
7.3.3 No anonymous material will be accepted for inclusion in the applicant's file.
The procedures outlined in Sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3, will, except as otherwise indicated, also apply to Contingent Term and Limited Term appointments.