Academic staff in Information Resources are partners with other
faculty members and with staff in the University community.
By their involvement in collection development, the organization of
information, the retrieval and dissemination of information,
and management, they are active participants in the
central function of the academic community to create, collect and
disseminate knowledge. As a result, they share responsibilities
and rights with other members of faculty.
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Academic staff in Information Resources have the responsibility and right to exercise professional judgement in the performance of
their duties, subject to University and Information Resources policies.
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Academic staff in Information Resources exercise academic freedom in making freely available knowledge and ideas, no matter how
controversial, without deference to any prescribed doctrine. Where
financial exigency demands restricted acquisitions, academic staff
in Information Resources have a responsibility to ensure that representative points of view are present in the collections or are accessible to users.
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Academic staff in Information Resources have the right to engage in research and publish the results of such research.
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Academic staff in Information Resources have the right to participate in professional, academic, and community activities.
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Academic staff in Information Resources have the right to participate fully in the affairs of the University. They are eligible for
membership on University and Information Resources committees at all levels.
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It is understood that in all of these matters, academic staff
in Information Resources have the right of access to procedures which ensure academic due process in the resolution of disputes.
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