Handbook for Academic Staff in Information Resources
6th Edition

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A 1   General
A 2   Membership
A 3   Officers
A 4   Meetings
A 5   Elected Representatives
A 6   Library Council Standing Committees
A 7   Nomination and Election Procedures
A 8   Appointment Procedures

A 1.1 The Library Council was created by the General Faculties Council on 1974.10.24 which established the following functions:
a) To provide advice on matters referred to it by the Library Committee
b) To initiate recommendations for transmittal to the Library Committee on any matter it believes to be relevant to the improved functioning of the Library
c) To elect a representative to the Library Committee
d) To take responsibility for matters assigned to it by the Library Committee or the Director of Information Resources
e) To elect standing or ad hoc committees to study matters of particular concern
f) To provide a forum for the discussion of any matter of interest to professional librarians
g) The minutes of the Staff Council to be distributed to the Library Committee
A 1.2 Under the authority of the General Faculties Council and the Director of Information Resources, the Library Council provides a forum for members to share in the creation, development, and implementation of policy, particularly with regard to decisions that affect the duties, responsibilities, and professional prerogatives of all academic staff in Information Resources.
A 2.1 The membership of Library Council shall consist of:
a) The Director of Information Resources (Chair)
b) Any person holding an academic staff appointment in Information Resources
c) Any person holding an academic staff appointment as librarian, curator or archivist not included in b)
d) One elected representative or designated alternate from the Management and Professional Staff Council (non-voting)
e) One elected representative or designated alternate from the Support Staff Council (non-voting)
f) Ex-officio members (President of the University, Chair of the General Faculties Council Library Committee) (non-voting)
Other persons may be invited to attend meetings when appropriate. Only members in category a), b) and c) may vote or stand for election to Library Council committees.
A 3.1 The Director of Information Resources chairs meetings of the Library Council. The Associate Director serves as vice-chair. The Secretary would normally be responsible for the role of Parliamentarian, according to Roberts Rules of Order.
A 3.2 The Library Council shall elect a Secretary annually in April/May, to serve from July 1 immediately following the election to June 30 of the following year. The Secretary would normally hold a Continuing Appointment at minimum.
A 3.2.1 The Secretary of Library Council serves as the Chair of the Agenda Committee which assists in the preparation of the agenda for meetings of Library Council.
A 3.2.2 The Secretary of Library Council shall assist the Chair of Library Council in the preparation and distribution of the minutes of the meetings of Library Council. The office of the Director shall provide appropriate secretarial assistance.
A 3.2.3 The Secretary shall distribute copies of the minutes of Library Council to the Chair of the General Faculties Council Library Committee.
A 3.2.4 The Secretary shall ensure that mail ballots resulting from motions of Library Council are carried out and results of the ballot are communicated to Library Council members.
A 4.1 The Library Council meets at least four times per year and more frequently at the discretion of the Chair. Library Council meetings may also be called by the Secretary upon receipt of a written request signed by five members of Library Council. The current edition of Roberts Rules of Order prevails.
A 4.2 At each meeting, a representative from each committee and representatives to external bodies, mentioned below, which have met since the previous Library Council meeting, shall report on activities.
A 4.3 Quorum for a meeting of Library Council consists of fifty percent of the members plus one.
A 5.1 Management and Professional Staff Council
Library Council, in April/May of each appropriate year, elects one academic staff member to serve on the Management and Professional Staff Council from July 1 to June 30.
A 5.2 General Faculties Council Library Committee
The Library Council elects biennially in April/May, a representative and an alternate to serve on the General Faculties Council Library Committee. The elected representative and alternate shall serve for 2 years from July 1 to June 30.
A 5.3 Library Council Academic Staff Representation on General Faculties Council
Library Council, in April/May of each appropriate year, elects two academic staff members to serve for two years from July 1 to June 30. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes serves as a member of General Faculties Council. The candidate receiving the second highest number of votes serves as a visitor to General Faculties Council. In the absence of the Library Council representative, the visitor attends General Faculties Council, but cannot exercise the right to vote.
A 5.4 Library Liaison Representative to TUCFA
The TUCFA members of Library Council elect annually in April/May, a liaison representative to TUCFA to serve from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The election of this representative is chaired by the incumbent and is outside the duties of the Nominating Committee.
A 5.5 Support Staff Council
Library Council, in April/May of each appropriate year, elects one academic staff member to serve on the Support Staff Council from July 1 to June 30.
A 6.1 Nominating Committee
A 6.1.1 The Library Council elects at the first meeting of each calendar year, two members to serve on the Nominating Committee.
A 6.1.2 The Nominating Committee shall present to Library Council at the meeting in April a slate of candidates for each standing committee and elected representative vacancy of Library Council.
A 6.2 Committee on Professional Conditions
A 6.2.1 Library Council elects annually in April/May, one member to serve on the Committee on Professional Conditions for a two-year period. This committee consists of five members: two who are elected, two who are appointed by the Director of Information Resources, and one who is the Information Resources TUCFA representative.
  The Committee works on behalf of Library Council members regarding any issue of practice or professional conditions raised by its members. It is responsible for ensuring that the Handbook for Academic Staff in Information Resources is current with Information Resources policy and the APT Manual.
A 6.2.2 Where desirable the Committee may strike sub-committees with additional members of Library Council to address specific issues. Subcommittees must be composed of all discipline areas of Library Council (archivists, curators, and librarians) affected by the issues under consideration.
A 6.2.3 Terms of service shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 two years later.
A 6.3 Selection, Promotions, and Appointment Review Committee
A 6.3.1 The Library Council elects annually in April/May, ten members (including at least one archivist, one curator, and one librarian) to serve on the Selection, Promotions and Appointment Review Committee. The Committee shall supply members for academic selection committees, the Information Resources Promotions Committee, and Academic Appointment Review Committees. In conformity with the terms of reference of these committees, the Director of Information Resources shall select representatives and alternates.
A 6.3.2 All members are eligible for nomination to serve on the Committee, except for individuals holding the position of Director, Associate Director or Assistant Director.
A 6.3.3 All elected candidates will serve for a period of one year. Terms of service will begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year.
A 6.3.4 The Nominating Committee will encourage the participation of up to two initial term or limited term appointees.
A 6.4 Fellowship Leave Committee
A 6.4.1 The Library Council elects annually in April/May, two members to serve on the Fellowship Leave Committee. The candidate receiving the most votes will serve a two-year term. The other candidate will serve a one-year term. Two members are to be appointed by the Director. This committee consists of five members: three who are elected, and two who are appointed by the Director of Information Resources. The Chair is the person who is elected for two-years in their second year.
A 6.4.2 The Fellowship Leave Committee reviews applications for Professional Leave pursuant to Article 17 of the Agreement and makes recommendations to the Director.
A 6.4.3 Terms of service shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year or years.
A 6.5 Agenda Committee
A 6.5.1 The Library Council elects annually in April/May, two members to serve with the Secretary of Library Council and the Associate Director of Information Resources on the Agenda Committee.
A 6.5.2 Where desirable the Committee may strike sub-committees with additional members of Library Council to address specific issues.
A 6.5.3 Terms of service shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year.
A 6.6 Continuing Education Committee
A 6.6.1 The Library Council elects annually in April/May, two members to serve on the Continuing Education Committee. This committee consists of four elected members: two from Library Council, one from Support Staff Council, and one from Management and Professional Staff Council.
A 6.6.2 Terms of service shall begin on July 1 and end of June 30 of the following year.
A 6.7 Travel Committee
A 6.7.1 The Library Council elects annually two members in April/May to serve on the Travel Committee. The Director of Information Resources chairs the committee. The committee advises the Director on the merits of travel grant proposals, promotes awareness of research presentation opportunities, encourages applications and reports annually to Library Council.
A 6.7.2 Terms of service shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year.
A 7.1 Procedures for Electing Members to the Nominating Committee
A 7.1.1 At the first Library Council meeting in the calendar year, the Chair shall call for nominations from the floor. An election shall be held at this meeting and the two persons with the highest number of votes shall be elected.
A 7.1.2 Members of the Nominating Committee are not eligible to stand for election to standing committees or to positions as elected representatives. They are eligible to be appointed to any committee or office by the Director.
A 7.2 Election Procedures for Standing Committees and Elected Representatives of Library Council
A 7.2.1 The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for canvassing all academic staff in Information Resources to fill any vacancy which may occur at any time throughout the year. The Nominating Committee must consider all interested academic staff in Information Resources.
A In preparing a slate of candidates, the Nominating Committee shall ensure:
a) A distribution of nominees between areas as committee sizes allow
b) No academic staff member in Information Resources is named to stand for election to more than two standing committees and/or representative positions
c) Specific guidelines for the makeup of each committee, as outlined elsewhere in the Handbook, are followed
A 7.2.2 The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of candidates to the Secretary prior to the mailing of the agenda of the Library Council meeting at which time the final slate will be approved.
A 7.2.3 At this meeting, the Nominating Committee shall present a slate. Should the slate be accepted, further nominations may be made from the floor. A maximum of two additional nominations from the floor may be accepted for each Standing Committee or Library Council Representative. If the motion is not accepted, the slate shall be returned to the Nominating Committee to be presented at the next meeting of Library Council.
A 7.2.4 A motion shall be called to approve the final slate. Election by acclamation shall be made where positions may be filled without an election.
A 7.2.5 Within a week of the Council meeting the Secretary will mail to each voting Council member an approved slate of candidates and appropriate ballots.
A 7.2.6 The ballots must be returned to the Secretary within 14 days of the last Council meeting at which the slate was approved.
A 7.2.7 The ballots shall be counted by the Nominating Committee in the presence of a non-voting third party selected from staff in Information Resources Administration. The scrutineer may not be a voting member of Library Council.
A 7.2.8 The candidates with the highest and/or second highest vote (in the case of two vacancies) shall be elected.
A 7.2.9 In the case of a tie a second ballot shall be mailed to voting members by the Secretary. If the tie remains after this ballot the Chair may cast a deciding vote.
A 7.2.10 The Nominating Committee may call a special meeting of Council at any time throughout the year for approval of a slate to fill a sudden vacancy.
A 7.2.11 Resignation shall be assumed for an elected representative or member of a standing committee in either of the following circumstances:
  1. Termination of employment with Information Resources
  2. Commencement of approved leave (normally one month or more beyond vacation)
A 8.1 Appointments to various committees are made by the Director of Information Resources. The normal term of appointment is one year and follows the terms of service of the elected members.