The following is a selection of recent publications. A complete list is currently being compiled by the Centre for Environmental Design Reseach and Outreach.

Austin, Matt, and Stephen Herrero. Wolverine Travel Routes and Response to Human-constructed Linear Corridors in the Kicking Horse Pass Between Yoho and Banff National Parks. Calgary: University of Calgary, 1995.

Baxter, Theresa. "Organizational Democracy in Women's Service Organizations: Perceptions and Realities." Canadian Journal of Urban Research 5:1 (June 1996).

Corbet, K, RW Wardell, and K Kirker. "Performance of non-occupational tasks as a measure of disability." 2nd International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: International Commission on Occupational Health. Montreal PQ. 26 September 1995.

Elder, Philip S. "Alberta's New Planning Legislation." Journal of Environmental Law and Practice 6 no. 1 (December 1995): 23-58.

Elder, Philip S. "Biological Diversity and Alberta Law." Alberta Law Review 34 no. 2 (in press, 1995): 293-350.

Fowlow, Loraine Dearstyne. "City as Theme Park: The Mickeynization of the Urban Landscape." Proceedings of the 1995 ACSA Northeast Regional Conference, Philadelphia PA, November 1995. Also published in Proceedings of the 1996 ACSA Annual Meeting, Boston MA, March 1996.

Geist, V, and I McTaggart-Cowan (eds). Wildlife Conservation Policy. Calgary: Detselig, 1995.

Geist, V. "Noah's Ark II: Rescuing Species and Ecosystems." In BG Norton, M Hutchins, Elizabeth Stevens and T Maple (eds). Ethics on the Arc: Zoos, Animal Welfare and Wildlife Conservation. Proc. Am. Assoc. of Zoos and Aquaria Bioethics Conference, Atlanta GA, 20 March 1993. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution University Press, 1995. pp. 93-101.

Geist, V. "Wildlife management American-style creates biodiversity and wealth." In Bissonette, JA and PR Krausman (eds). Integrating People and Wildlife for a Sustainable Future. Proceedings of the First International Wildlife Management Congress, San Jose, Costa Rica, 19-25 September 1993. Bethesda MD: The Wildlife Society, 1995. pp. 279-282.

Gibeau, Michael, and Stephen Herrero. Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project: 1994 progress report. Calgary: University of Calgary, 1995.

Herrero, Stephen, and Andrew Higgins. "Fatal Injuries Inflicted to People by Black Bears." In Auger, J, and H Black (eds). Proceedings of Fifth Western Black Bear Workshop. Provo UT, 1995.

Herrero, Stephen, and Andrew Higgins. "Field use of Capsaicin Spray as a Bear Deterrent." In Proceedings of Int. Conf. Bear Res. and Manage., 1995.

Herrero, Stephen. "Bears: Conservation and Habitat." In Paehlke, Robert (ed) Conservation and Environmentalism: An Encyclopedia. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1995. pp. 66-68.

Herrero, Stephen. "The Canadian National Parks and Grizzly Bear Ecosystems: The need for interagency management." In Proceedings of Int. Conf. Bear Res. and Manage., 1995.

Kansas, John, and Stephen Herrero. Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project: Habitat mapping and evaluation component 1994-1995. Calgary: University of Calgary, 1995.

Kennett, Stephen A, and William A Ross. "Environmental Impact Assessment in Canada." Report prepared for the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Canadian Institute of Resources Law and the Faculty of Environmental Design (University of Calgary), 12 April 1995.

Lee, TG. "Technological approaches to coping with prarie winters." Prairie Architecture, February 1996.

Lee, TG. "Design for resource conservation." RAIC Update 19:3 (Nov/Dec 1995).

Lee, TG. "Solar heat storage in concrete block walls." and "Vertical ice dam on single wythe masonry walls." 1995 Annual Masonry Magazine.

Levy, RM. "Computer Modeling: An Image of the Future." Plan Canada, Vol. 35,No. 5, September, 1995, pp. 24-25.

Levy, RM. "Visualization of Urban Alternatives." Environment and Planning B, Spring 1995, pp. 343-358.

Levy, RM. "Computer Modeling and Visualization in Urban Planing: An Instrument for Negotiating Public-Private Initiatives." Proceedings, Geoinformatics'95 Hong Kong: RS, GIS, and GPS in Sustainable Development and Environmental Monitoring, Hong Kong,1995, pp. 564-573.

Livesey, Graham, Michael McMordie and Geoffrey Simmins. Twelve Modern Houses 1945-1985. Calgary: University of Calgary Press and Aris Press, 1995.

Livesey, Graham. "Towards a Redefinition of Design." Paper presented at the 1995 ACSA Annual Meeting, Seattle WA, 18-20 March 1995. Published in proceedings.

MacCallum, Norma Beth, and V Geist. "Reclamation of a Mountain Coal Mine: Designing Habitat for Bighorn Sheep." In Nigel, JR Allan. Mountains at Risk. New Delhi: Monohar, 1995. (pp. 152-195).

McCrory, Wayne, Sandra Ashton, and Stephen Herrero. Bear Habitat Use Study and Bear Hazard Evaluation for the Rabbit Kettle Lake Area of Nahanni National Park Reserve: Interim hazard assessment report. Calgary: University of Calgary, 1995.

McGee, TG, and Ira M Robinson (Eds). The Mega-Urban Regions of Southeast Asia. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1995.

Nemeskeri, RL, JA Love, M Navvab and RW Wardell. "User assessment of lighting in offices with and without windows." Proceedings of the annual conference of the Illuminating Engineering Society. New York NY. pp. 703-725.

Perks, William T, and Andrea Wilton-Clark. Testing Consumer Receptivity to Sustainable Community Design. Ottawa: Canadian Housing and Information Centre (CHIC), CMHC, 1996.

Perks, William T, Jagdev Bilkhu and Dixon A. R. Thompson. Environmental Assessment and Municipal Planning. Toronto: Intergovernmental Committee on Urban and Regional Research, 1996.

Ross, William A. "Environmental Impacts of the Petroleum Industry." Paper presented at the Emerging Environmental Issues Conference of the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Calgary AB, 28 October 1995.

Ross, William A. Environmental Impact Assessment Training Courses in Vietnam. Report prepared for the International Development Research Centre, 28 April 1995.

Thompson, Dixon, and Serena van Bakel. A Practical Introduction to Environmental Management on Canadian Campuses. Ottawa: The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, 1995.

Thompson, Dixon. "The NAFTA Parallel Accord on the Environment." In SJ Randall and HW Konrad (eds). NAFTA in Transition. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1996, pp. 311-326.

Thompson, Dixon. "Tools for More Effective and Efficient Environmental Planning." Plan Canada, November 1995, Vol 35 No 6, pp. 14-17.

Walker, Stuart. "Design and the Meaning of Life: The Material, The Spiritual and the Environment." Proceedings of the Industrial Designers Society of America Education Conference, September 1995

Walker, Stuart. "Do We Really Need All Those Things?" Innovations: The Journal of the Industrial Designers Society of America, Winter 1995

Walker, Stuart. "Industry, Environment and the Levi's Horses." Ecodecision: The Journal of the Environment and Society (The Royal Society of Canada), Montreal, Canada, No.16, Spring 1995

Walker, Stuart. "Superficial Evidence: The Environment, Product Aesthetics and Surface." Design Issues: A Journal of History, Theory and Criticism. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 1995.

Wardell, RW. "Strategic design for the implementation of ergonomics." Symposium on Applied Ergonomics. Human Factors Association of Canada. Edmonton AB. 7 September 1995.

Wardell, RW. "The practice of occupational ergonomics." 11th Annual Conference of Certified Fitness Appraisers. Kananaskis AB. 20 January 1995.

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