The Grab Bag


25th Anniversary Congratulations

President, University of Calgary

Dear Dr Fraser:

As one of the first two graduates of the Faculty of Environmental Design in 1974, I would like to congratulate the University of Calgary on the 25th anniversary of the Faculty and extend my regards and best wishes to EVDS staff and students. I feel privileged to have had the honour of participating in the Faculty of Environmental Design at the time of its inception under the inspired leadership of the Dean, W. T. Perks.

The University of Calgary is to be commended for its foresight and boldness in establishing the Faculty of Environmental Design in 1971 based on an integrated, multidisciplinary approach to Architecture, Planning and Environmental Science. The implementation of this concept was indeed visionary and well ahead of its time. Only recently have Australian and New Zealand universities embraced a similar philosophy and approach. Because of its forward thinking, the University of Calgary through its Faculty of Environmental Design is well-placed to continue to take a leading role in important issues affecting the built and natural environment.

Environmental Design graduates have been successful ambassadors for the University of Calgary in a variety of professions in many countries. Because the Faculty and the University maintain exceptionally high standards, they are held in high regard by overseas institutions. Indeed, when I joined the Planning and Environment Commission in Australia in 1976, they were particularly interested in the Faculty's interdisciplinary approach and attempted to structure their organization along similar lines.

From my perspective, the Faculty provided me with an invaluable set of skills and strategies which has allowed me to pursue a diverse and rewarding career at federal, state and municipal levels in New Zealand, Australia and Canada as a planner, project manager and computer manager.

The single greatest asset my University of Calgary afforded me was the ability to move confidently between variant professional disciplines and to work comfortably with individuals and groups from diverse educational backgrounds. My EVDS interdisciplinary training allowed me to participate in a broad spectrum of activities including policy analysis, urban and regional planning, project management, critical path analysis, environmental impact assessment, management information, computer-aided design, and computer graphics.

I feel confident that I speak for other alumni when I thank the University and the Faculty for having equipped us with the necessary tools required to participate effectively in an increasingly complex, technological environment.

I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank those original faculty members: W. T. Perks, D. Gilmore, D. Detomasi, S. Stein, R. Kirby, V. Geist, J. McKeller, S. Herrero, P. Elder, G. Ross--whose dedication, creativity and enthusiasm in establishing the Faculty of Environmental Design helped make my time at the University one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life.

Yours Sincerely,
Bryson McKay
Queensland, Australia

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