Student Works


"What is Interdisciplinarity?"


If we want to get jobs
So we don't look like slobs
They tell us we're going to need

Am I losin' my mind?
Group work's left me behind
604 gave me yin for my yang
We got Air Quality with Prof. Tang

Always beats singularity

There's no "I" in "team"
Do you know what I mean?
Now I'm seein' with clarity
... or am I losing my mind?

I hear we have Architecture
I've never been to one lecture
I see them passing by in the hall
But I don't talk to them at all

I'm not familiar with Planning
Or Industrial Designing
They must work in the faculty
I don't relate to them practically

We've got faculty polarity

Interdiscipline disparity
Interdiscipline sterility
Interdiscipline senility
Interdiscipline humility
Interdiscipline hilarity
It's not even in the...

--Kasey Clipperton & Stephen Hill


The artful combination of our creativity
A special blend of ingenuity
It's Interdisciplinarity

Industrial Design has roots in both art and science. It basically refers to product design that not only mirrors the attitudes of society, but gives it direction through an acute critical spirit and a sense of history.

There's strength in numbers (Economy)
And opposites attract (Diversity)
A partnership of talents (Equality)
It kicks and that's a fact (Integrity)

Architecture can be described as society's most public and visible form of art. It is a building and it is the process of building. It is the integration of a wide spectrum of issues concerning the creation of space.

And with teamwork ev'ry member (Cooperation)
Brings a unique point of view (Innovation)
To expand the minds of others (Frustration)
Tell us things we never knew (Imagination)

Planning, while traditionally thought of as the development and use of land, today contributes to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, the promotion of healthy communities and improving quality of life.

Mobilized adrenaline (Motivation)
Pressures of deadlines (Determination)
When we put our strengths together (Culmination)
We're so much better by design (Celebration)

Environmental Science ranges over a broad area of topics that relate to both human and natural environments, tackling issues that are complex, interrelated systems which impinge upon each other and require integrative responses.
There are numerous serious scientists working with ecological questions who realize that the whole is greater than its parts and that the quest for wholeness is inseparable from the quest for holiness.

The artful combination of--our creativity
A special blend of ingenuity
It's Interdisciplinarity
It's Interdisciplinarity

--Karla Berg & Margot Stephenson


Fordyce's SculptureThe base is composed of four elements that are similar in form. These elements are all individuals starting at the base of the sculpture: separate entities. The four elements engage in a way such that each is in concert with the others; connected through a common need for other supporting elements. The ball is supported by the unity of the four elements and could not be upheld without their united effort.

--Kregg Fordyce

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