Image Gallery


The following images appeared in the printed version of Intervention throughout the newsletter. For the on-line version, we have compiled these images onto this page.

Erez Pedro's ID Work
Nostalgic Photos of EVDS
Graphics Work by First Year Architecture Students

Erez Pedro's ID Work

Rollette: a rotary cutter that suggest a new concept for blade mounting that allows a quick and safe blade change. Designed by Erez Pedro

Book Buddy Jr.: a redesign of an existing librarians' book truck. Designed by Erez Pedro

Gemini: A personal communications device that combines conventional portable telephony with screen-based network applications. Designed by Erez Pedro

Nostalgic Photos of EVDS

A moment of EVDS history... this photo of the mighty EVDS baseball team taken in the mid-seventies contains several people who can stil be found about the faculty and some hair thast unfortunately cannot. See if you can guess who's who.

This one shouldn't even be a challenge. Come on, people... you've all got Master's degrees.

Here's one more from the archives... two hints: it's the early eighties, and the way-cool denim-jacketed chap in the middle of the front row provided all of these photos.

Graphics Work by First Year Architecture Students

Overview and detail drawings inspired by passages from Invisible Cities and Einstein's Dreams.

Zanobia (not Scan!)

Zoom & Focus

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