Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
Non-Peer Reviewed Journal Papers 2. Saber, N., Satyro, M., Yarranton, H.W. , Shaw, J.M., "Multiphase equilibrium prediction for ill-defined asymmetric hydrocarbon mixtures", Guest Editorial, Hydrocarbon World, 4(2), 2011. 1. Akbarzedeh, K., Ayatollahi, Sh., Nasrifar, Kh., Yarranton, H.W., and Moshfeghian, M., "Equations Lead to Asphaltene Deposition Predictions", Oil and Gas J., 100(44), Oct. 28, 2002, 51-55. 45. Perez, Y.A., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W., "Phase Behaviour of heavy oil and n-butane mixtures," 2019, International Conference on Upstream Engineering & Flow Assurance 2019-Topical Conference at the 2019 AIChE Spring Meeting and 15th Global Congress on Process Safety, 11-18. 44. Mancilla-Polanco, A., Schoeggl, F.F., Johnston, Richardson, W.D., Yarranton, H.W., Taylor, S.D., The Phase Behavior of Heavy Oil and Propane Mixtures, SPE#184988, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Tech. Conf., Calgary, February 15-16, 2017. 43. Satyro, M.A., Yarranton, H.W., "A Simple Model for the Calculation of Electrolyte Mixture Viscosities," Acid Gas Injection Symposium, Banff, May 19-22, 2015. 42. Motahhari, H. Schoeggl, F.F., Satyro, M.A.,Yarranton, H.W., "The Effect of Solvents on the Viscosity of an Alberta Bitumen at In Situ Thermal Process Conditions," SPE Heavy Oil Conference, Calgary, June 11-13, 2013. 41. Badamchi-Zadeh, A., Yarranton, H.W., Maini, B. "Phase Behavior and Physical Property Modeling for Vapex Solvents: Propane, Carbon Dioxide, and Athabasca Bitumen," SPE Heavy Oil Conference, Calgary, June 11-13, 2013. 40. Yarranton, H.W., van Dorp, J.J., Verlaan, M.L., Lastovka, V., "Wanted Dead or Live - Crude Cocktail Viscosity: A Pseudo-Component Method to Predict the Viscosity of Dead Oils, Live Oils, and Mixtures," SPE Annual Technical Meeting, San Antonio, October 8-10, 2012. 39. Castellanos-Diaz, O., Schoeggl, F., Yarranton, H.W., Satyro, M.A., Lovestead, T.M., Bruno, T.J., "Modelling the Vapour Pressure Biodiesels," ICCET 2012: Intl. Conf. Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tokyo, May 29-30, 2012 38. Motahhari, H., Satyro, M. A., Schoeggl, F. F., Yarranton, H.W., "Extension of the Expanded Fluid Viscosity Correlation to Characterized Crudes," 13th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, June 10-14, 2012. 37. Castellanos-Diaz, O.; Schoeggl, F.F.; Yarranton, H. W.; Satyro, M.A. "Extended Fractionation for Heavy Oil and Bitumen," The 13th International Conference of Petroleum Phase Behaviour and Fouling, St. Petersburg, Fl., USA, 2012. 36. Yarranton H.W., Castellanos-Diaz, O., Sanchez, M.C., Schoeggl, F.F., Satyro, M.A. "Deep Vacuum Fractionation and Characterization of Heavy Oil and Bitumen," Oilsands Conference 2012, Edmonton, AB, Canada, 2012. 35. Ortiz, D.P., Satyro, M.A., Yarranton, H.W., "Thermodynamics and Fluid Characterization using Trajectory Optimization," 18th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, CO, USA, June 24-29, 2012. 34. Motahhari, H., Schoeggl, F.F., Satyro, M.A., Yarranton, H.W., "Prediction of the Viscosity of Solvent Diluted Live Bitumen at Temperatures up to 175oC," CSUG/SPE 149405, Can. Unconventional Resources Conf., Calgary, AB, Nov.15-17, 2011. 33. Agrawal, P., Schoeggl, F.F., Satyro, M.A., Yarranton, H.W., "Case Study: Modeling the Phase Behavior of Solvent Diluted Peace River Bitumen," CSUG/SPE 148783, Can. Unconventional Resources Conf., Calgary, AB, Nov.15-17, 2011. 32. Yarranton, H.W., Satyro, M.A., Taylor, S.D., "Progress in Modeling Asphaltene Precipitation," World Heavy Oil Conference, Edmonton, AB, March 14-17, 2011. 31. Motahhari, H., Satyro, M.A., Yarranton, H.W., "Acid Gas Viscosity Modeling with the Expanded Fluid Viscosity Correlation," Acid Gas Injection Symposium, Calgary, AB, September 28-29, 2010. 30. Satyro, M.A., Yarranton, H.W., "Expanded Fluid Based Viscosity Correlation for Hydrocarbons Using an Equation of State," 12th Intl. Conf. Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design, Suzhou, May 16-21, 2010. 29. Yarranton, H.W., Satyro, M.A., "Expanded Fluid Based Viscosity Correlation - Diluted Heavy Oil Case Study," invited presentation, 5th NCUT Upgrading and Refining Conference 2009, Edmonton, AB, September 14-16, 2009. 28. Yarranton, H.W., Satyro, M.A., "Expanded Fluid Based Viscosity Correlation for Hydrocarbons," World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, August 23-17, 2009. 27. George, S., Satyro, M.A., Yarranton, H.W., "Measurement and Modeling of Asphaltene-Rich Phase Composition," World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, August 23-27, 2009. 26. Castellanos-Diaz, O., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., Satyro, M.A., "Measurement and Modeling Methodology for Heavy Oil Vapour Pressure," World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, August 23-27, 2009. 25. Andrade, J., Yarranton, H.W., "Investigation of Rag Layer Growth in Continuous Settling," World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, August 23-27, 2009.21 24. Yarranton, H.W., Satyro, M.A., "Expanded Fluid Based Viscosity Correlation Applied to Diluted Heavy Oil," Petrophase 2009 10th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 14-19, 2009. 23. Dunlop, J., Baydak, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., "The Effect of Polymer Dispersants on Interfacial Properties and Stability of Water-in-Oil Emulsions Stabilised by Asphaltenes, " Petrophase 2009 10th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 14-19, 2009. 22. Yarranton, H.W., "SARA's Role in Oil Characterization: Should There be One?", Petrophase 2009, 10th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 14-19, 2009 21. Badamchizadeh, A., Maini, B., Yarranton, H., "Applicability of CO2-Based Vapex Process to Recover Athabasca Bitumen," 2008 SPE Annual Technical Conference, Denver, Colorado, September 2008. 20. Gray, M.R., Young, A., Foght, J.M., Yarranton, H.W., "Potential Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes: A Critical Analysis", 2008 SPE Annual Technical Conference, Denver, September 2008. 19. Yarranton, H.W., BadamchiZadeh, A., Satyro, M.A., Maini, B., "Phase Behavior and Physical Properties of Athabasca Bitumen, Propane, and CO2," Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, Alberta, June 15-19, 2008. 18. Romanova, U.G., Stasiuk, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., Valinasab, M., Schramm, L.L., Shelfantook, W.E., "The Effect of Oil Sands Bitumen Extraction Conditions on Froth Treatment Performance," Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, June 6-8, 2005. 17. Akbarzadeh, K., Sabbagh, O., Alboudwarej, H., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltene Precipitation from Bitumen Diluted with n-Alkanes", Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, June, 2004. 16. Jafari, M., Sztukowski, D.M., Romanova, U., Yarranton, H.W., "Elasticity at the Model Oil/Water Interface", Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, June, 2004. 15. Romanova, U.G., Valinisab, M., Stasiuk, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., Schramm, L.L., Shelfantook, W.E., "The Effect of Oil Sand Type and Bitumen Extraction Conditions on Froth Treatment Performance", Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, June, 2004. 14. Rastegari, K., Beck, J., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltene Flocculation Behavior", Extended Abstract, Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, June 10-12, 2003. 13. Akbarzadeh, K., Alboudwarej, H., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., "Regular Solution Model for Asphaltene Precipitation from Bitumen/Alkane Systems", Extended Abstract, Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, June 10-12, 2003. 12. Romanova, U., Schramm, L.L., Yarranton, H.W., "Towards The Improvement of the Efficiency of Oil Sands Froth Treatment", Extended Abstract, Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, June 10-12, 2003. 11. Alboudwarej, H., Svrcek, W.Y., Kantzas, A., Yarranton, H.W., "Solids Formation and Deposition in a Pipe-Loop", Heavy Organics Deposition Intl. Conf., Puerto Vallarta, November 17-21, 2002. 10. Yarranton, H., Beck, J., Alboudwarej, H., Svrcek, W.Y., "Asphaltene Association and Precipitation Modeling", invited paper, Preprints ACS Division of Petroleum Chemistry, 47(4), (2002), 336-337. 9. Alboudwarej, H.; Svrcek, W.Y.; Yarranton, H.W., "PVT Investigation of Asphaltene Precipitation and Redissolution from Athabasca and Cold Lake Bitumens", CIPC Paper No. 2002-015, Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, June 11-13, 2002. 8. Schramm, L.L.; Stasiuk, E.N.; Yarranton, H.W.; Maini, B.B.; Shelfantook, B., "Temperature Effects in the Conditioning and Flotation of Bitumen From Oil Sands in Terms of Oil Recovery and Physical Properties," CIPC Paper No. 2002-074, Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, June 11-13, 2002. 7. Yarranton, H.W., Svrcek, W.Y., "Asphaltene Deposition," invited paper, 3rd International Symposium on the Mechanisms and Mitigation of Fouling in Petroleum and Natural Gas Production, 3rd International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, AIChE Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, March 10-14, 2002. 6. Yarranton, H.W., Sztukowski, D.M., Alboudwarej, H., "Asphaltene Self-Association and Water-in-Oil Emulsions", invited paper, 4th International Symposium on the Chemistry and Physics of Petroleum-Water Emulsions, 3rd International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, AIChE Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, March 10-14, 2002. 5. Akbarzedeh, K., Moshfeghian, M., Ayatollahi, S., Alboudwarej, H., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., "Prediction of Asphaltene Precipitation with a Modified SRK EOS", 5th International Symposium on Thermodynamic of Heavy Oils and Asphaltenes, 3rd International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, AIChE Spring National Meeting, New Orleans, March 10-14, 2002. 4. Akbarzedeh, K., Moshfeghian, M., Ayatollahi, S., Alboudwarej, H., Yarranton, H.W., "Estimation of SARA Fraction Properties with the SRK EOS", CIPC Paper No. 2001-122, Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, June 12-14, 2001. 3. Alboudwarej, H., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., Akbarzedeh, K., CIPC Paper No. 2001-63, "Asphaltene Characterization: Sensitivity of Asphaltene Properties to Extraction Techniques", Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, June 12-14, 2001. 2. Smith, S., Gregory, G.A., Yarranton, H.W., "Experimental Investigation of Multiple Solutions for Liquid Holdup in Upward Inclined Stratified Flow", a) Proc. Multiphase Technology, Banff, June 21-23, 2000; b) invited presentation, 23rd Energy Sources Technology Conference and Exposition, Houston, February 2001. 1. Yarranton, H.W., Chen, T., Thomas, F.B., "Detection of Phase Transitions with Acoustic Resonance Technology", Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, June 4-8, 2000.
99. Gomez Rodriguez, M.A., Schoeggl, F.F., and Yarranton, H.W. "Asphaltene Deposition in Vertical Open Flow," 2023 AIChE Spring Meeting & 19th Global Congress on Process Safety, Houston TX, USA., March 12-16, 2023. 98. Beleno Alcazar, J.A., Schoeggl, F.F. and Yarranton, H.W., "Equivalent Resident Time (ERT) As a Potential Correlation Parameter for Bitumen Visbreaking," 2023 AIChE Spring Meeting & 19th Global Congress on Process Safety, Houston TX, USA., March 12-16, 2023. 97. Paniagua, D., Schoeggl, F., Yarranton, H.W., The Effect of Methane on Asphaltene Precipitation, AIChE Virtual Spring Meeting, Virtual, April 18-23, 2021. 96. Abbaspour, A., Schoeggl, F., Yarranton, H.W., "Measurement and Modeling of the Viscosity and Stability of Visbroken Fractionated Bitumen, AIChE Virtual Spring Meeting, Virtual, April 18-23, 2021. 95. Rivero Sanchez, Javier A., "Measurement and Modeling of Asphaltene Precipitation from Heavy Oil and Multicomponent Solvents," AIChE 2020 Spring Meeting & 16th Global Congress on Process Safety, Virtual, August 17-21, 2020. 94. Martinez, John, "Fundamentals of Gravity Drainage for Heavy Oil/Solvent Systems," Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Halifax, NS, October, 2019. 93. Fereirra, N., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W., "Solubility Parameter of Carbon Dioxide Dissolved in Crude Oil," 69th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Halifax, Oct 20-23, 2019. 92. Ramos Pallares, F., Yarranton, H.W., "Extension of the Modified Regular Solution Model to Crude Oils Characterized from a Distillation Assay," Petrophase 2019, Kanazawa, June 2-6, 2019. 91. Perez, Yulman, "Phase Behaviour of Heavy Oil and n-Butane Mixtures," AIChE Spring Meeting, New Orleans, Mar 31- Apr 4, 2019. 90. Yarranton, H.W., "Heavy Oil Measurements - Tricks, Traps, and the Unexpected," invited, SPE Workshop on Complex Reservoir Fluids, Galveston, Feb. 12-14, 2019. 89. Duran, J.A., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W., "Anaerobic Precipitation and Flocculation of Asphaltenes from n-Heptane Diluted Heavy Oils," Petrophase 2018, Park City, July 8-12, 2018. 88. Socorro, A.M., Rodriguez, S., Schoeggl, F.F., Hay, G., Taylor, S.D., Yarranton, H.W., "Viscosity Modeling of Visbroken Heavy Oils," AIChE Spring Meeting, Orlando, April 22-26, 2018. 87. Duran, J.A., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W., "Investigation on the Nature of Asphaltene Flocs," AIChE Spring Meeting, Orlando, April 22-26, 2018. 86. Yarranton, H.W., "Strange Brew: Mixtures of Heavy Oil and Solvent," Petrophase 2017, Le Havre, France, June 2017. 85. Rodriguez Leon, S., Hay, G., Taylor, S.D., Yarranton, H.W., "Measurement and Modeling of Visbroken Oil Stability," 67th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, October, 2017. 84. Yarranton, H.W., Settling of Flocculated Asphaltenes and Solids from Diluted Bitumen, keynote, 67th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Edmonton, Oct. 22-25, 2017. 83. Duran, J.A., Schoeggl, F., Yarranton, H.W., The Effect of Air on the Kinetics of Asphaltene Precipitation, 67th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Edmonton, Oct. 22-25, 2017. 82. Yarranton, H.W., Ramos-Pallares, F., Taylor, S.D., The Expanded Fluid Concept for Transport Property Correlations, AIChE Conference, Nov. 2017. 81. Mancilla-Polanco, A., Schoeggl, F.F., Johnston, K., Richardson, W.D., Yarranton, H.W., Taylor, S.D., The Phase Behavior of Heavy Oil and Propane Mixtures, SPE#184988, SPE Canada Heavy Oil Tech. Conf., Calgary, February 15-16, 2017. 80. Ramos-Pallares, F., Lin, H., Taylor, S.D., Satyro, M.A., Yarranton, H.W., Predicting the Viscosity of Characterized Crude Oils, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov. 13-18, 2016. 79. Mancilla-Polanco, A., Schoeggl, F.F., Johnston, K., Yarranton, H.W., "The Phase Behavior of Heavy Oil and Propane Mixtures," 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Quebec City, QC, Oct. 16-19, 2016. 78. Casas, Y.A., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W., "Settling Rates of Asphaltenes and Solids from Diluted Bitumen," 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Quebec City, QC, Oct. 16-19, 2016. 77. McGurn, M., Baydak, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., "The Effect of Inorganic Solids on Asphaltene-Stabilized Water-in-Oil Emulsions," 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Quebec City, QC, Oct. 16-19, 2016. 76. Rocha, J.A., Baydak, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., Stzukowski, D.M., Ali-Marcano, V., Gong, L., Shi, C., Zeng, H., Investigation of Stabilization of Brine-in-Bitumen Emulsions, Petrophase 2016 17th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Elsinore, June 19-24, 2016. 75. Sanchez-Lemus, M.C., Yarranton, H.W., Taylor, S.D., Andersen, S.I., Mapolelo, M.D., Mahavadi, S.C., "Quantitative Characterization of Heavy Oils Using FT-IR," Pacifichem, Honolulu, Dec. 15-20, 2015. 74. Sanchez-Lemus, M.C., Yarranton, H.W., Mapolelo, M., Mahavadi, S., Andersen, S.I. "Potential of FTir for Characterizing Vacuum Distillates," Pacifichem, Honolulu, Dec. 15-20, 2015. 73. Sanchez Lemus, M.C., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W., Taylor, S.D. "Characterization of Heavy Oils using a Deep Vacuum Fractionation Apparatus," 65th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, Oct. 4-8, 2015. 72. Richardson, Diedro, F., W.D., Schoeggl, F.F., Maini, B.B., Kantzas, A.K., Yarranton, H.W. "Determining diffusivity from pressure decay data for gases with high solubility in bitumen," 65th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, Oct. 4-8, 2015. 71. Rocha, J.A., Baydak, E.N., Yarranton, H.W. "Effect of Salinity and pH on Interfacial Films and Stability of Water-in-Oil Emulsions Stabilized by Asphaltenes," 65th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, Oct. 4-8, 2015. 70. Ramos-Pallares, F., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W., Taylor, S.D., Satyro, M.A. "Predicting the Viscosity of Characterized Oils and Cuts Using the Expanded Fluid Correlation," 65th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, Oct. 4-8, 2015. 69. Johnston, K.A., Yarranton, H.W., Taylor, S.D., Satyro, M.A. "Investigation of the Modeling of Asphaltene Precipitation from n-Alkane Diluted Bitumen with a Cubic Equation of State and Asymmetric Mixing Rules," 65th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, Oct. 4-8, 2015. 68. Duran, J.A., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W. "Measurement and Modeling of Asphaltene Flocculation near Onset Conditions," 65th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, Oct. 4-8, 2015. 67. Richardson, W.D., Diedro, F., Schoeggl, F.F., Kantzas, A.K., Yarranton, H.W. "Determination of Diffusivity of High Solubility Solvents in Heavy Oil," 64th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Niagara Falls, Oct. 19-22, 2014. 66. Powers, D.P., Yarranton, H.W., van den Berg, F.G.A. "Characterization and Asphaltene Precipitation Modeling of Native and Reacted Crude Oils," 20th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, Aug 31-Sept 4, 2014, Porto, Portugal. 65. Yarranton, H.W., "The Challenge of Heavy Oil Characterization," invited speaker, SPE Workshop on Heavy Oil and Tarmats, Dubai, June 1-5, 2014. 64. Okafor, J.C., Powers, D.P., Baydak, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., "Characterization of Native and Refined Crude Oil Fractions for Asphaltene Precipitation Modeling," 63rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Fredericton, NB, October 20-23, 2013. 63. Sadeghi Yamchi, H., Ortiz, D.P., Baydak, E.N., Yarranton, H.W. "Effect of Refining on Asphaltene Property Distributions," 63rd Chemical Engineering Conference, Fredericton, NB, October 2013. 62. Johnston, K. A.; Satyro, M.A.; Taylor, S.D.; Yarranton, H.W.; "Modeling Solvent-Bitumen Phase Behavior with a Cubic Equation of State and Asymmetric Mixing Rules, " 63rd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Fredericton, NB, October, 2013. 61. Yarranton, H.W., Okafor, J., Ortiz, D.P., Sanchez, M.C., Motahhari, H., "Excess Properties of Petroleum/Solvent Mixtures: Density and Refractive Index," Petrophase 2013 14th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Rueil-Malmaisson, June 9-13, 2013. 60. Yarranton, H.W., Motahhari, H., Satyro, M.A., Van Dorp, J.J., "Cold, Hot, or Dilute: Modeling the Viscosity of Heavy Oil for In Situ Processes," invited speaker, GeoConvention 2013: Integration, Calgary, May 6-10, 2013. 59. Yarranton, H.W., "Multi-Phase Behavior in Heavy Oil Systems," invited speaker, SPE Workshop on Complex Reservoir Fluids, Houston, Nov 5-7, 2012. 58. Yarranton, H.W., Castellanos-Diaz, O., Sanchez, M.C., Schoeggl, F.F., Satyro, M.S., "Deep Vacuum Fractionation and Characterization of Heavy Oil and Bitumen," Oilsands 2012, Edmonton, Aug. 28-30, 2012. 57. Kumar, K., Baydak, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., "Effect of Salinity on Water/Hydrocarbon and Water/Crude Oil Interfacial Tensions," Surfactants in Solution 2012, Edmonton, June 24-28, 2012. 56. Castellanos Diaz, O., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W., Satyro, M.A., "Deep Vacuum Fractionation of Heavy Oil and Bitumen," Petrophase 2012 13th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, St. Petersburg, June 10-14, 2012. 55. Motahhari, H., Satyro, M.A., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W., "Expanded Fluid Viscosity Correlation Applied to Characterized Oils," Petrophase 2012 13th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, St. Petersburg, June 10-14, 2012. 54. Agrawal, P., Schoeggl, F.F., Satyro, M.A., Yarranton, H.W., "Case Study: Modeling the Phase Behavior of Solvent Diluted Bitumen," Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, Calgary, AB, November 15-17, 2011. 53. Barrera, D.M., Ortiz, D.P., Yarranton, H.W., "Density and Molecular Weight Distribution of Asphaltenes from Native and Refined Crude Oils," Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference, Student Competition, Calgary, AB, Canada, November 15-17, 2011. 52. Barrera, D.M., Ortiz, D.P., Yarranton, H.W., "Density and Molecular Weight Distribution of Asphaltenes from Native and Refined Crude Oils," 61st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, London, ON, October 23-27, 2011. 51. Saryazdi, F., Yarranton, H.W., Schoeggl, F.F., "Density Prediction for the Mixtures of Heavy Oil and Dissolved Gas," 61st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, London, ON, October 23-27, 2011. 50. Yarranton, H.W., Satyro, M.A., Castellanols-Diaz, O., "Towards a Modeling Framework for Heavy Oil Phase Behavior and Properties," 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2010. 49. Khatri, N.L., Baydak, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., "Measurement and Modeling of Emulsion Layer Growth in Continuous Oil-Water Separations," 60th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Saskatoon, SK, October 24-27, 2010. 48. Motahhari, H., Satyro, M. A. and Yarranton, H. W., "Extension of Expanded-Fluid Based Viscosity Correlation to Non-Hydrocarbons," 60th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Saskatoon, SK, October 24-27, 2010. 47. Yarranton, H.W., "Heavy Oil Characterization: The Challenge of the Non-Distillables," SPE Forum, The Heavy Oil Challenge: Completion, Design and Production Management, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 17-22, 2009. 46. Ortiz, D.P., Yarranton, H.W., Baydak, E.N., "Effect of Surfactants on Interfacial Films and Stability of Water-in-Oil Emulsions Stabilized by Asphaltenes, " 58th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Ottawa, ON, October, 2008. 45. Baydak, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., Ortiz, D.P., Moran, K., "Effect of Demulsifiers on Interfacial Films and Stability of Water-in-Oil Emulsions Stabilized by Asphaltenes," 9th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Victoria, BC, Canada, June 15-19, 2008. 44. Nji, G.N., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.Y., Satyro, M.A., "Vapor Pressure and Critical constants Prediction Method for Heavy Hydrocarbons," 57th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Paper 128, Edmonton, AB, October 28-31, 2007. 43. Yarranton, H.W., Fox, W.A., Svrcek, W.Y., "The Effect of Resins on Asphaltene Self-Association and Solubility," 57th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Paper 627, Edmonton, AB, October 28-31, 2007. 42. Tharanivasan, A.K., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., Taylor, S.D., "Asphaltene Precipitation in Crude Oils with Emulsified Water," 57th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Paper 204, Edmonton, AB, October 28-31, 2007. 41. Tharanivasan, A.K., Svrcek, W.Y., Taylor, S.D., Yarranton, H.W., "Measurement and Modeling of Asphaltene Precipitation from Diluted and Blended Heavy Oils," 57th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Edmonton, AB, Oct. 14-18, 2007. 40. Tharanivasan, A., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., Hong, E., Watkinson, P., Rahimi, P., Taylor, S. "Modeling Asphaltene Precipitation Heavy Oils/Bitumens Blended with Incompatible Oils or Diluted with Multicomponent Solvents," 56th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Sherbrooke, QC, Oct. 15-18, 2006. 39. Fox, W., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., "Precipitation of Asphaltnes and Resins from Solutions of Toluene and n-Alkanes," 56th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Sherbrooke, QC, Oct. 15-18, 2006. 38. Badamchi-Zadeh, A., Yarranton, H.W., Maini, B.B., "Solubility and Viscosity Modeling and Measurements for Athabasca Bitumen-Propane and Propane-CO2-Athabasca Bitumen Systems." 56th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Sherbrooke, QC, Oct. 15-18, 2006. 37. Tharanivasan, A.K., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., Hong, E., Watkinson, P., Rahimi, P., Taylor, S., "Modeling Asphaltene Precipitation in Heavey Oils/Bitumens Blended with Incompatible Oils or Diluted with Multicompnent Solvents." Paper 104, 56th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Sherbrooke, QC, Oct. 15-18, 2006. 36. Badamchi-Zadeh, Yarranton, H.W., Maini, B., "PVT and Viscosity Measurements for Athabasca Bitumen-Propane and Bitumen-Propane-CO2 Systems," Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, AB, June 12-15, 2006. 35. Yarranton, H.W., Stasiuk, E.N., Saadatamand, M., Schramm, L.L., Shelfantook, W.E., "Factors Affecting Froth Treatment Effectiveness," Oilsands 2006 Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Feb. 22-24, 2006. 34. Yarranton, H.W., "Questionable Characters - Issues in the Characterization of Asphaltenes and Other Heavy Fraction Components," keynote, 6th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Amsterdam, June 19-23, 2005. 33. Yarranton, H.W., Sztukowski, D.M., Jafari, M., "Effect of Interfacial Rheology on Emulsion Stability," 6th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Amsterdam, June 19-23, 2005. 32. Daneshvar, S., Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltene Flocculation in Diluted Bitumen Systems," 55th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Toronto, ON, Oct. 16-19, 2005. 31. Sabbagh, O., Akbarzadeh, K., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., "An EOS Approach for Modeling Asphaltene Precipitation," 54th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, AB, Oct. 3-6, 2004. 30. Sztukowski, D.M., Yarranton, H.W., "Interfacial Rheology of Model Water/Hydrocarbon Interfaces", 54th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, AB, Oct. 3-6, 2004. 29. Valinasab, M., Romanova, U.G., Stasiuk, E.N, Yarranton, H.W., "The Effect of Bitumen Extraction Conditions on Froth Treatment Effectiveness", 54th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, AB, Oct. 3-6, 2004. 28. Wiehe, I.A., Yarranton, H.W., Akbarzadeh, K., Rahimi, P.M., Teclemariam, A., "The Paradox of Asphaltene Precipitation with n-Paraffins", ACS Fuel Chemistry Symposium, Philadelphia, August 22-26, 2004. 27. Akbarzadeh, K., Bressler, D.C., Wang, J., Gray, M.R., Yarranton, H.W., "Association Behaviour of Asphaltene Model Compounds", 5th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Trondheim, June, 2004. 26. Alboudwarej, H., Pole, D., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., "Adsorption of Asphaltenes on Metals", 5th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Trondheim, June, 2004. 25. Akbarzadeh, K., Alboudwarej, H., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., "Towards Generalization of The Regular Solution Model for Predicting Asphaltene Precipitation from n-Alkane Diluted Heavy Oils", 5th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Trondheim, June, 2004. 24. Wiehe, I.A., Yarranton, H.W., Akbarzadeh, K., Rahimi, P., Teclemariam, A., "The Maximum in Volume with Carbon Number of n-Paraffins at the Onset of Asphaltene Precipitation", 5th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Trondheim, June, 2004. 23. Horvath-Szabo, G., Masliyah, J.H., Elliott, J.A.W., Yarranton, H.W., Czarnecki, J., "Thermodynamic Characterization of Adsorption Layers of Crude Components at Aqueous / Oleic Interfaces: Adsorption Isotherms of Associating Asphaltenes", 5th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Trondheim, June, 2004. 22. Yarranton, H.W., "Research Advances on Asphaltene Deposition in Heavy Oil/Bitumen Systems", invited speaker, 2nd Symp. On Stability and Compatability during the Production, Transportation and Refining of Petroleum, Edmonton, AB, Sept. 24, 2003. 21. Yarranton, H.W., Rastegari, K., Svrcek, W.Y., "Measurement and Modeling of Asphaltene Flocculation", II Intl. Applied Statistical Physics Molecular Engineering Conference, Petroleomics Symp., Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, August 25-29, 2003. 20. Yarranton, H.W., Alboudwarej, H., Beck, J., Akbarzadeh, K., Svrcek, W.Y., "Regular Solution Approach to Modeling Asphaltene Precipitation", 6th International Symposium on the Thermodynamics of Heavy Oils and Asphaltenes, 4th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Trondheim, Norway, June 22-26, 2003. 19. Sztukowski, D.M., Yarranton, H.W., "Investigation of Solids Stabilized Water-in-Oil Emulsions", 5th International Symposium on the Chemistry and Physics of Petroleum-Water Emulsions, 4th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Trondheim, Norway, June 22-26, 2003. 18. Romanova, U., Yarranton, H.W., Maini, B., Shelfantook, B., Schramm, L.L., Yusapova, T.N., "Investigation of Oil Sands Froth Treatment", 52nd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vancouver, BC, Oct. 20-23, 2002. 17. Alboudwarej, H., Svrcek, W.Y., Kantzas, A., Yarranton, H.W., "A Pipeloop to Investigate Asphaltene Deposition", Easts meets West on Heavy Oil Technology Symposium, 52nd Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Vancouver, BC, Oct. 20-23, 2002. 16. Sztukowski, D., Yarranton, H.W., "Interpretation of Interfacial Tensions of Asphaltene Solutions", 51st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Halifax, NS, Oct. 14-17, 2001. 15. Stasiuk, E.N., Schramm, L.L., "Interfacial Properties and Oil Recoveries from the Warm/Hot-Water Process for Athabasca Oil Sands," 51st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Halifax, NS, Oct. 14-17, 2001. 14. Alboudwarej, H., Yarranton, H.W., "Investigation of the Effect of Temperature and Pressure on Asphaltene Precipitation and Redissolution", 51st Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Halifax, NS, Oct. 14-17, 2001. 13. Agrawala, M., Yarranton, H.W., "Measurement and Modeling of Asphaltene Association", 50th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Montreal, QC, Oct. 15-18, 2000. 12. Yarranton, H.W., Gafonova, O.V., "The Role of Asphaltenes in the Stabilization of Water-in-Hydrocarbon Emulsions", 50th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Montreal, QC, Oct. 15-18, 2000. 11. Peramanu, S., Singh, C., Yarranton, H.W., "Investigation of Reversibility of Asphaltene Precipitation", 50th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Montreal, QC, Oct. 15-18, 2000. 10. Milne, B.J., Yarranton, H.W., "Spreadsheets as Numerical Tools in Chemical Engineering Education", 50th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Montreal, QC, Oct. 15-18, 2000. 9. Yarranton, H.W. "Asphaltene Deposition", COURSE Session, Can. Intl. Petr. Conf., Calgary, AB, June 4-8, 2000. 8. Gafonova, O.V., Yarranton, H.W., "Investigation of Asphaltene and Resin Adsorption of the Water-in-Oil Emulsion Interface", 13th Intl. Symp. Surfactants in Solution, Gainesville, Fl., June 11-16, 2000. 7. Yarranton, H.W., Alboudwarej, H., Jakher, R., "Investigation of Asphaltene Association by Vapor Pressure Osmometry and Interfacial Tension Measurements", Proc. 49th Cdn Chem. Eng. Conf., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 1999. 6. Yarranton, H.W., Chen, T., Sivaraman, A., Thomas, B., "Detection of Asphaltene Precipitation by Acoustic Resonance", Proc. 49th Cdn Chem. Eng. Conf., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 1999. 5. Singh, C., Peramanu, S., Yarranton, H.W., "Experimental Study on the Reversibility of Asphaltene Precipitation", Student Paper (1st Prize), Proc. 49th Cdn. Chem. Eng. Conf., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 1999. 4. Yarranton, H.W. and Masliyah, J.H., "Numerical Simulation of Ostwald Ripening in Emulsions", Proc. 47th Cdn Chem. Eng. Conf., Edmonton, Alberta, 1997. 3. Yarranton, H.W. and Masliyah, J.H., "Asphaltene Stabilized Emulsions", Proc. 47th Cdn Chem. Eng. Conf., Edmonton, Alberta, 1997. 2. Yarranton, H.W. and Masliyah, J.H., "Molar Mass Distribution and Solubility Modeling of Asphaltenes", Proc.46th Cdn. Chem. Eng. Conf., Kingston, Ontario, 1996. 1. Yarranton, H.W. and Masliyah, J.H., "Gibbs-Langmuir Model for Interfacial Tension of Nonideal Organic Mixtures over Water", Proc.46th Cdn. Chem. Eng. Conf., Kingston, Ontario, 1996.
37. Ramos Pallares, F., Yarranton, H.W., "Extension of the Modified Regular Solution Model to Crude Oils Characterized from a Distillation Assay," Petrophase 2019, Kanazawa, June 2-6, 2019. 36. Ramos Pallares, F., Yarranton, H.W., "A Regular Solution Based Approach for Modelling Component Precipitation from n-Paraffin Diluted Heavy Oil, PPEPPD, Vancouver, May 12-16, 2019. 35. Y. Zhang, Arya, A., Kontogeorgis, G., Yarranton, H.W., "CPA Modeling of the Phase Behavior of Bitumen Solvent Mixtures," Petrophase 2018, Park City, July 8-12, 2018. 34. Duran, J.A., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W., "Fractal Dimensions of Asphaltene Flocs from n-Heptane Diluted Bitumen," Petrophase 2018, Park City, July 8-12, 2018. 33. Ramos-Pallares, F., Taylor, S.D., Yarranton, H.W., "Expanded Fluid Thermal Conductivity Model for Hydrocarbons and Crude Oils," Petrophase 2017 18th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Le Havre, June 10-16, 2017. 32. Richardson, W.D., Schoeggl, F.F., Maini, B., Taylor, S.D., Yarranton, H.W. "Concentration Dependent Diffusivity of Propane in Bitumen from Pressure Decay Data," Poster, Petrophase 2016 17th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Elsinore, Denmark, June 19-23, 2016. 31. Ramos-Pallares, F., Schoeggl, F.F., Taylor, S.D., Yarranton, H.W., "The Generalized Walther Model for the Prediction of Viscosity of Characterized Oils," Poster, Petrophase 2016 17th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Elsinore, Denmark, June 19-23, 2016. 30. Johnston, K.A., Yarranton, H.W., Satyro, M.A., Schoeggl, F.F., Taylor, S.D "Measurement of the Asphaltene-Rich Phase Composition of n-Pentane Diluted Bitumen," Poster, Petrophase 2016 17th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Elsinore, Denmark, June 19-23, 2016. 29. Johnston, K.A., Yarranton, H.W., Satyro, M.A., Schoeggl, F.F., Taylor, S.D "Measurement and Modeling of the Phase Behavior of n-Pentane Diluted Bitumen," International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design, Porto, Portugal, May 22-26, 2016. 28. Yarranton, H.W., Sanchez-Lemus, M.C., Schoeggl, F.F., Taylor, S.D. "Extended Distillation and Property Correlations for Heavy Oils," International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design, Porto, Portugal, May 22-26, 2016. 27. Casas, Y., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W. "Settling Rates of Asphaltenesand Solids from Diluted Bitumen," IOSI, Poster, Edmonton, AB, May 11-12, 2016. 26. Duran, J.A., Schoeggl, F.F., Yarranton, H.W. "Measuring Asphaltene Flocculation Kinetics near Onset Conditions," IOSI, Poster, Edmonton, AB, May 11-12, 2016. 25. Ramos-Pallares, F., Schoeggl, F.F., Taylor, S.D., Yarranton, H.W., "Expanded Fluid Viscosity Prediction for Heavy Oil and Bitumen Characterized from Distillation Assays," Petrophase 2015 16th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Cancun, MX, June 7-11, 2015. 24. Ramos-Pallares, F., Schoeggl, F.F., Taylor, S.D., Yarranton, H.W., "Viscosity Prediction of Diluted Crude Oils using the Expanded Fluid Viscosity Model," Petrophase 2015 16th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Cancun, MX, June 7-11, 2015. 23. Ortiz, D.P., Sadeghi, H., Yarranton, H.W., van den Berg, F.G.A. "Molecular Weight, Density and Solubility Parameter Distributions of Asphaltenes from Native and Reacted Oils," Petrophase 2014 15th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Galveston, June 8-12, 2014. 22. Ortiz, D.P., Yarranton, H.W., van den Berg, F.G.A. "Characterization and Modeling of Asphaltene Preciptitation from Upstream and Downstream Oils," Petrophase 2014 15th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Galveston, June 8-12, 2014. 21. Ortiz, D.P., Okafor, J., Yarranton, H.W., van den Berg, F.G.A. "Characterization of Saturate, Aromatic, and Resin Fractions of Native and Reacted Oils for Asphaltene Precipitation Modeling," Petrophase 2014 15th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Galveston, June 8-12, 2014. 20. Johnston, K., Satryo, M.A., Taylor, S.D., Yarranton, H.W. "Investigation of Modeling Asphaltene Precipitation Using a Cubic Equation of State with Asymmetric Mixing Rules," Petrophase 2014 15th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Galveston, June 8-12, 2014. 19. Sanchez, M.C., Yarranton, H.W., Taylor, S.D. "Deep Vacuum Fractionation of Heavy Oil and Bitumen: Apparatus and Standardized Procedure," Petrophase 2014 15th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Galveston, June 8-12, 2014. 18. Sanchez, M.C., Schoeggl, F.F., Taylor, S.D., Růzička, K., Fulem, M., Yarranton, H.W. "Deep Vacuum Fractionation of Heavy Oil and Bitumen: Interconversion Method," Petrophase 2014 15th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Galveston, June 8-12, 2014. 17. Sanchez, M.C., Yarranton, H.W., Taylor, S.D. "Characterization of Heavy Oil Using Deep Vacuum Fractionation: Experimental Methodology and Interconversion Method," Petrophase 2013 14th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Rueil-Malmaisson, June 9-13, 2013. 16. Agrawal, P., Schoeggl, F.F.,Yarranton, H.W.Satyro, M.A., "Measurement and Modeling of the Phase Behavior of Solvent Diluted Bitumens," International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Florida, USA, June 11-14, 2012. 15. Motahhari, H., Satyro, M. A. and Yarranton, H. W., "Extending the Expanded Fluid Viscosity Correlation to Asymmetric Hydrocarbon Mixtures," 12th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, , London, UK, June 10-14 2011. 14. Castellanols Diaz, O., Modaresghazani, M.A., Satyro, M.A., Yarranton, H.W.., "Conventional Cubic Equation-of-State Modeling of the Phase Behavior of Bitumen and Solvents," 11th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, New York City, New York, 2010. 13. Yarranton, H.W., "Composition of Asphaltene-Rich Phases," Workshop on Asphaltenes: Characterization and Properties, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 11-14, 2009. 12. Yarranton, H.W., Badamchizadeh, A., Satyro, M.A., Maini, B. "Phase Behavior and Physical Properties of Athabasca Bitumen, Propane, and CO2," Poster, 9th Annual Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, June 15-19, 2008. 11. Saadatmand, M., Stasiuk, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., Moran, K., "Formation and Stability of Rag Layers from Oil Sands Froth," 57th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Paper 191, Poster Session, Edmonton, AB, October 28-31, 2007. 10. Baydak, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., Moran, K. "Effect of Naphthenic Acids on Interfacial Films and Stability of Water-in-Oil Emulsions Stabilized by Asphaltenes," 57th Canadian chemical Engineering Conference, Paper 196, Poster Session, Edmonton, AB, October 28-31, 2007. 9. Yarranton, H.W., Fox, W.A., Svrcek, W.Y. "Do Asphaltenes and Resins Self-Associate Together?" 8th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Pau, France, June 10-14, 2007. 8. Stasiuk, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., Moran, K. "Effect of Naphthenic Acids on Interfacial Films and Stability of Water-in-Oil Emulsions Stabilized by Asphaltenes," 8th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Pau, France, June 10-14, 2007. 7. Tharanivasan, A.K., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., Taylor, S.D. "Does Emulsified Water Affect Asphaltene Precipitation?" Poster, 8th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Pau, France, June 10-14, 2007. 6. Sztukowski, D.M., Yarranton, H.W., "Modeling the Interfacial Rheology of Water-in-Hydrocarbon Interfaces," 6th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Amsterdam, June 19-23, 2005. 5. Akbarzadeh, K., Rahimi, P., de Bruijn, T., Wiehe, I.A., Yarranton, H.W., "Application of a Generalized Regular Solution Model in the Oil Compatibility Determination," 229th ACS National Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 13-17, 2005. 4. Akbarzadeh, K., Alboudwarej, H., Svrcek, W.Y., Yarranton, H.W., "Towards Generalization of the Regular Solution Model for Predicting Asphaltene Precipitation from n-Alkane Diluted Heavy Oils," 5th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Banff, AB, Canada, June 13-17, 2004. 3. Sztukowski, D.M., Yarranton, H.W., "Synergy Between Asphaltenes and Oil Sands Solids in Stabilizing Water-In-Oil Emulsions," 5th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling, Banff, AB, Canada, June 13-17, 2004. 2. Stasiuk, E.N., Schramm, L.L., Yarranton, H.W., Shelfantook, B., "Shear And Interfacial Phenomena Involved In Reducing Process Temperature For The Recovery Of Bitumen From Athabasca Oil Sand", Colloid Division Poster Session, ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA, March 28-April 1, 2004. 1. Schramm, L.L., Stasiuk, E.N., Yarranton, H.W., Maini, B., Shelfantook, B., "Temperature Effects in the Conditioning and Flotation of Bitumen From Oil Sands in Terms of Oil Recovery and Physical Properties," Colloid Division Poster Session, ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA, April 7-11, 2002.
51. Yarranton, H.W., "Heavy Oil and Solvents," Canadian Heavy Oil Associaiton (CHOA) Panel Discussion, Calgary, May 26, 2020. 50. Yarranton, H.W., "What Happens When Heavy Oil and Solvent Mix?" Chevron Heavy Oil Community of Practice Seminar, On-Line, April 13, 2020. 49. Yarranton, H.W., "What Happens When Heavy Oil and Solvent Mix?" SPE Distinguished Lecture Tour, 2019-2020. 50. Yarranton, H.W., "Introduction to Oilfield Emulsions," SAIT Seminar Event, Calgary, May 28, 2019. 49. Yarranton, H.W., Heavy Oil and Solvents," Suncor Workshop, Feb.27, 2019. 48. Yarranton, H.W., "Precipitation of Bitumen Components," Alberta Innovates Partial Upgrading Workshop, Calgary, June 20, 2018. 47. Yarranton, H.W., "Emulsions," Suncor Workshop, Calgary, May 24, 2018. 46. Yarranton, H.W., Satyro, M.A., Taylor, S.D., Ramos Pallares, F., Motahhari. H., Richardson, W., "Transport Property Correlations for Heavy Oil," Schlumberger SIG Seminar, Calgary, Nov. 29, 2017. 45. Yarranton, H.W., Duran, J.A., Casas, Y., Schoeggl, F.F., "Settling Rates of Flocculated Asphaltenes and Solids from Diluted Bitumen," Imperial Oil, Calgary, Oct. 17, 2017. 44. Yarranton, H.W., Schoeggl, F.F., Baydak, E.N., "Deasphalting Related Phase Behavior and Properties," Nexen/CANMET BituMax Kick Off, Devon, Aug. 2, 2017. 43. Yarranton, H.W., "Strange Brew: Mixtures of Heavy Oil and Solvent," Schlumberger SIG Seminar, Calgary, July 10, 2017. 42. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltenes: A Puzzle for a Lifetime," NTNU, Trondheim, May 5, 2017. 41. Yarranton, H.W., "Phase Behavior of Heavy Oil and Solvent Mixtures: Focus on Pitch Phases," Nexen Workshop, Calgary, Jan. 25, 2017. 40. Duran, J.A., Casas, Y., Yarranton, H.W., "Kinetics of Asphaltene Precipitation, Flocculation, and Settling near Onset Conditions," Imperial Oil, Calgary, July 28, 2016. 39. Yarranton, H.W., Heavy Oil Characterization, RIPP, Beijing, July 4, 2016. 38. Yarranton, H.W., Asphaltenes and Emulsions, RIPP, Beijing, July 4, 2016. 37. Yarranton, H.W., Deasphalting Related Phase Behavior and Properties, Nexen Workshop, Calgary, Feb. 24, 2016. 36. Yarranton, H.W., "Foul Stuff: Asphaltene Precipitation and Deposition," Crude Oil Fouling Task Force Meeting, HTRI, St. Louis, Sept. 20, 2015. 35. Yarranton, H.W., "Exploring the Heart of Darkness: The Phase Behavior of Diluted Bitumen," Suncor Knowledge Forum, Calgary, Sept. 3, 2015. 34. Yarranton, H.W., "Mission Impossible: Large Effects from Small Causes," SPE Forum on Flow Assurance, Newport Beach, June 1-5, 2015. 33. Taylor, S.D., Na, J.J., Yarranton, H.W., Planning for Asphaltene Precipitation: A Case Study in Asphaltene Solubility Modeling for Oil Sands Froth Treatment, Schlumberger Heavy Oil Seminar Series, Edmonton, June 24, 2014. 32. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltene Precipitation Modeling," IOSI Workshop on Partially Upgraded Bitumens, Edmonton, Feb. 20, 2014. 31. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltenes," Cenovus Lunch and Learn, Calgary, March 17, 2014. 30. Ramos-Pallares, F., Marriott, R.A., Yarranton, H.W., "Viscosity of Heavy Oil/Solvent Mixtures and Distillation Cuts." ASRL Chalk Talk, January 29, 2014. 29. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltene Precipitation," Suncor, Calgary, March 26, 2013. 28. Yarranton, H.W., "HOPP Research Overview," Virtual Materials Group, Calgary, March 21, 2013. 27. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltenes and Emulsions, Oh My!," Department Seminar Series, School of Chemical, Biological & Materials Engineering, University of Oklahoma, March 14 2013. 26. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltene Precipitation Kinetics and Oilsands Processing," COSI Workshop on Non-Aqueous Extraction of Oil Sands Bitumen, Edmonton, Sept. 26, 2012. 25. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltene Precipitation", Luncheon Presentation, Cenovus, Calgary, July 17, 2012. 24. Yarranton, H.W., "Heavy Oil Fluid Modeling - Characterization and Phase Behavior," Schlumberger Heavy Oil Seminar Series, Edmonton, June 28, 2012. 23. Yarranton, H.W., "Unsolved Mysteries of Heavy Oil, Solvents, and Emulsions," Suncor Seminar Series, Calgary, May 31, 2012. 22. Saber, N., Satyro, M., Yarranton, H., Shaw, J., "Modeling Bitumen + Light Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior - refinery vs. group contribution characterization face-off," NSERC IRC in Petroleum Thermodynamics, Technical Advisory Committee Meeting. Calgary, March 12, 2012. 21. Yarranton, H.W., "Dark Art - Heavy Oil Fluid Modeling," IRD Seminar, Royal Dutch Shell, Calgary. Feb. 16, 2012. 20. Yarranton, H.W., "Overview of Heavy Oil Properties and Processing Research," Champion Technologies, Calgary, Feb. 25, 2011. 19. Yarranton, H.W., "Heavy Oil and Oil Sands Research Sampler," CONRAD, Calgary, Nov. 5, 2010. 18. Yarranton, H.W., "Heavy Oil - Understanding the Fluid," ASME luncheon talk, Calgary, January 20, 2010. 17. Yarranton, H.W., "What is the Meaning of Asphaltene Fractions?," Workshop on Asphaltenes: Characterization and Properties, Rio de Janeiro, June 11-14, 2009 16. Yarranton, H.W., and Abedi, J., "Heavy Oil Fluid Properties - The Missing Piece of the Puzzle," Engineering Associates Breakfast, Calgary, October 17, 2008. 15. Yarranton, H.W., "Aggregation of Bitumen Asphaltenes in Solution," COSI Workshop, Edmonton, October 15, 2007. 14. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltene Aggregation," Variability of Oils Sands Resource Workshop, Lake Louise, May 2-4, 2007. 13. Yarranton, H.W., "Applying PR-EoS to Heavy Oils," 30th Anniversary Celebration of the Peng Robinson Equation of State, Oilphase-DBR (Schlumberger), Edmonton, Oct. 2, 2006 12. Yarranton, H.W., "Factors Affecting Froth Treatment," Syncrude Research Center, Edmonton, April 2006. 11. Yarranton, H.W., "Issues in Characterizing Asphaltenes," Schlumberger Research Center, Cambridge, UK, June, 2005. 10. Yarranton, H.W., "Issues in Characterizing Asphaltenes," Oilphase-DBR (Schlumberger), Edmonton, June, 2005. 9. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltenes and Emulsion Research," EPSL Research Seminar, Calgary, May, 2005. 8. Yarranton, H.W., Romanova, U.G., Schramm, L.L., Stasiuk, E.N., Valinisab, M., "Oil Sand Extraction and Froth Treatment Research at U of C," Syncrude Research Centre, Edmonton, November 5, 2004. 7. Romanova, U., Yarranton, H.W., "Oil Sands Froth Treatment," Syncrude Research Centre, Edmonton, September, 2002. 6. Stasiuk, E.N., Schramm, L.L., "Interfacial Properties and Oil Recoveries from the Water Extraction Process for Athabasca Oil Sands," Syncrude Research Centre, Edmonton, January, 2002. 5. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltene Deposition", CANMET, Devon, July, 2001. 4. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltene Association", University of Alberta, Edmonton, March, 2001. 3. Yarranton, H.W., "Role of Asphaltenes and Resins in Stabilizing Water-in-Oil Emulsions", Imperial Oil Research Center, Sarnia, October, 2000. 2. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltenes", D.B. Robinson Research Ltd., Edmonton, July, 1999. 1. Yarranton, H.W., "Asphaltene Stabilized Water-in-Oil Emulsions", Imperial Oil Research Center, Sarnia, October, 1997.
3. Shaw, J.M., Satyro, M.A., Yarranton, H.W., "The Phase Behavior and Properties of Heavy Oils", in Practical Advances in Petroleum Processing, Ed. C.S. Hsu and P.R. Robinson, Springer, 2017. 2. Baker, R., Yarranton, H.W., Jensen, J,J, Meehan, D.N., "Practical Reservoir Engineering and Characterization," Gulf Publishing, Elsevier, 2015.
1. Yarranton, H.W., Baker, R., "A Guide to Reservoir Engineering,"
COURSE NOTES for ENPE 511, Calgary, 2004,543 pages. 48. Abbaspourmehdiabadi, Amirabbas, "Viscosity and Stability of Visbroken Fractionated Oils," Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, March, 2021. 47. Rivero Sanchez, Javier, "Asphaltene Precipitation from Bitumen/Multicomponent Solvent Mixtures," Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, March, 2021. 46. Fereirra, Jorge Nicolay, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, "Modified Regular Solution Model to Model Bitumen/Methane/CO2 Systems," M.Sc. Thesis, April, 2020. 36. Ramos-Pallares, Francisco, "The Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of Heavy Oils and Solvents," Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, Ph.D. Thesis, August, 2017. 34. Richardson, William, "Diffusivity of Light Hydrocarbon Gases in Bitumen," Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, Ph.D. Thesis, February, 2017. 33. Rocha Arrieta, Jair Andres, "Role of Aqueous Phase Chemistry, Interfacial Film Properties, and Surface Coverage in Stabilizing Water-In-Bitumen Emulsions," Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, July, 2016. 30. Shafiee Neistanak, Mahdieh, "Kinetics of Asphaltene Precipitation and Flocculation from Diluted Bitumen," University of Calgary, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, June, 2014.
27. Motahhari, Hamed Reza, "Development of Viscosity Model for Petroleum Industry Applications," University of Calgary, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, Ph.D. Thesis, March, 2013. 26. Badamchi Zadeh, Amin, "Use of CO2 in Vapex, Experimental and Modeling Study," University of Calgary, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, Ph.D. Thesis, February, 2013. 25. Kumar, Bikky, "The Effect of Salinity on Interfacial Tension," University of Calgary, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, August, 2012. 24. Saryazdi, Fatemeh, "Density Prediction for Mixtures of Heavy Oil and Solvents," University of Calgary, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, August, 2012. 23. Barrera, Diana, "Determination and Application of Asphaltene Property Distributions for Native and Refined Crude Oils," University of Calgary, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, July, 2012.
Castellanos-Diaz, Orlando, "Characterization
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10. Jafari, Maryam; "Interfacial Rheology of Asphaltenes in
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Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, March, 2005. 6. Rastegari, Kashayar; "Modeling of Asphaltene Flocculation," University of Calgary, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, December, 2003. 5. Alboudwarej, Hussein; "Asphaltene Deposition in Flowing Systems," University of Calgary, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, Ph.D. Thesis, April, 2003. 4. Agrawala, Mayur; "Measurement and Modeling of Asphaltene Association," University of Calgary, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, January, 2001. 3. Gafonova, Olga Victorovna; "Role of Asphaltenes and Resins in the Stabilization of Water-in-Hydrocarbon Emulsions, " University of Calgary, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, December, 2000. 2. Chen, Tielian; "Detection of Phase Transitions with Acoustic Resonance," University of Calgary, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Sc. Thesis, April, 2000. 1. Smith, Steven P.; "Experimental Investigation of Multiple Solutions for Liquid Holdup in Upward Inclined Stratified Flow," University of Calgary, Dept. of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, M.Eng. Thesis, November, 1999.