Olof Liberg
Olof Liberg, PhD is a research leader with the Grimsö
Wildlife Research Station, Dept. of Conservation Biology, Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences, Riddarhyttan, Sweden. His
research projects are focused on the following topics: 1)
Population dynamics and optimal harvest models for roe deer. 2)
Lynx population biology and predator prey interactions,
especially with roe deer. 3) Population biology, conservation and
management of the Scandinavian wolf population. Dr Liberg is the
Coordinator of the Scandinavian Wolf Research Project, SKANDULV.
Dr Liberg has worked on the effects of biophysical features,
competition, predation and harvest in determining roe deer
demography (example, Kjellander P, Hewison AJM, Liberg O et al.
Experimental evidence for density-dependence of home range size
in roe deer (Capreolus capreolus: A comparison of two long term
studies. Oecologia 139: 478-485, 2004; Jarnemo A. & Liberg O.
Red fox removal and roe deer fawn survival A 14 year
study. J. Wildl. Manage. 69 (3): 1090-1098, 2005). He also
conducted research on the ecology and management of the
Scandinavian lynx (example, Andrén H, Linnell, JDC, Liberg, O et
al. Survival rates and causes of mortality in Eurasian lynx (Lynx
lynx) in multi-use landscapes. Biological Conservation 131:
23-32, 2006; Helldin, J-O, Liberg, O & Glöersen, G. 2006.
Lynx (Lynx lynx) killing red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in boreal
Sweden frequency and population effects. J. Zoology,
London 270: 657-663, 2006).
Dr Libergs studies on wolves addressed ecological, genetic
and human-related aspects of wolf recovery in Scandinavia
(example, Wabakken P, Sand H, Liberg O, et al. The recovery,
distribution, and population dynamics of wolves on the
Scandinavian peninsula, 1978-1998. Can J Zool 79: 710-725, 2001;
Liberg O et al. Severe inbreeding depression in a wild wolf Canis
lupus population. Biology Letters 1: 17-20, 2005; Sand H,
Wikenros C, Wabakken P & Liberg O. 2006. Cross-continental
differences in patterns of predation: will naïve moose in
Scandinavia ever learn? Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 273: 1421-1427, 2006).
Dr Liberg also collaborated with various project personnel about
wolf issues and research in Canada and the USA. He has been
responsible for action plans and recommendations and for
coordinating efforts for a wolf Population Viability Analyses for