The University of Calgary Library collection includes the
following scenes:
- Path 32 Row 8, August 9,
2001 (Bylot Island, Nunavut) *
(L1G), (STC)
- Path 37 Row 26, July 8,
2000 (S. Saskatchewan) (STC) (.pix)
- Path 39 Row 25, August
10, 2001 (S.E. Alberta, S.W. Saskatchewan) * (STC)
- Path 39 Row 26, August
10, 2001 (S.E. Alberta) * (STC)
- Path 41 Row 22, August
3, 1999 (Lac La Biche) (L1R)
- Path 41 Row 23, August
3, 1999 (Camrose, Vegreville,
Wainright Area) * (STC)
- Path 41 Row 25,
September 4, 1999 (Lethbridge) (L1G)
- Path 41 Row 26, July 7,
2001 (S.W. Alberta) * (STC)
- Path 42 Row 20, August
15, 2001 (Fort McMurray) * (STC)
- Path 42 Row 21, August
15, 2001 (Fort McMurray South) * (STC)
- Path 42 Row 23, July 9,
1999 (Edmonton) (L1G) (.pix)
- Path 42 Row 23, August
15, 2001 (Edmonton) * (STC) (.pix)
- Path 42 Row 24, July 9,
1999 (N. Calgary) * (L1R)
- Path 42 Row 24, Aug. 14, 1992 - Landsat5 (N. Calgary)
(downloaded from Global Land
Cover Facility) (Geotiff)
- Path 42 Row 24, August
15, 2001 (N. Calgary) * (STC)
- Path 42 Row 24, Aug. 28, 2000 (N. Calgary) (L1G)
- Path 42 Row 24, Aug. 18, 2002 (N. Calgary) (L1G)
- Path 42 Row 24, Aug. 5, 2006 - Landsat5 (N. Calgary) (L1G)
- Path
42, Row 24:25, July 26, 1985 - Landsat 5 (Calgary mosaic: 25m-500m,
from Geogratis) (Geotif)
- Path 42 Row 25, Aug 9, 1996 - Landsat5 (S. Calgary) (.pix)
- Path 42 Row 25, July 9,
1999 (S. Calgary) (L1R)
- Path 42 Row 25, May
24, 2000 (S. Calgary) * (STC)
- Path 42 Row 25, August
15, 2001 (S. Calgary) * (STC)
- Path 42 Row 25, Aug. 5, 2006 - Landsat5 (S. Calgary) (L1G)
- Path 42 Row 26, July 9,
1999 (S. B.C. and S.W. AB)
(L1G) (.pix)
- Path 43 Row 20, August
17, 1999 (Fort McMurray northwest) *
- Path 43 Row 21,
September 23, 2001 (Fort McMurray
southwest to Slave Lake) (STC)
- Path 43 Row 23,
September 23, 2001 (Drayton Valley,
Rocky Mountain House) * (STC)
- Path 43 Row 24,
September 23, 2001 (Calgary, Banff,
Golden) * (STC)
- Path 43 Row 24, June 22,
2002 (Calgary, Banff, Golden) * (L1G) Dogrib Fire
- Path 43 Row 24, June 17,
2003, Landsat 5 (Calgary, Banff,
Golden) (.pix) [Restricted ot UC only]
- Path 43 Row 25, August
17, 1999 (Kootenay area, B.C.) * (+bw)
(L1G) (.pix)
- Path 43 Row 26, August
1, 1999 (S. B.C.) (L1G) (.pix)
- Path 44 Row 21,
September 14, 2001 (Slave Lake, High
Prairie) * (STC)
- Path 44 Row 22,
September 9, 1999 (Whitecourt) (L1G) (.pix)
- Path 44 Row 23, July 8, 1985 - Landsat 5 (Edson, Hinton)
- Path 44 Row 23, August
24, 1999 (Edson, Hinton) (L1R) (.pix)
- Path 44 Row 23,
September 14, 2001 (Edson, Hinton) * (STC)
- Path 44 Row 23, June 13, 2002 (Edson, Hinton) (L1G)
- Path 44 Row 23, July 10, 2003, Landsat5 (Edson, Hinton)
(.pix) [Restricted to UC only]
- Path 44 Row 24, August
24, 1999 (Golden B.C., Banff)
(L1G) (.pix)
- Path 44 Row 24,
September 14, 2001 (Golden B.C.,
Banff) * (STC)
- Path 44 Row 24, July 10, 2003 - Landsat5 (Golden B.C.,
Banff) (.pix) [Restricted to UC only]
- Path 44 Row 25, August
24, 1999 (Columbia Valley,
B.C.) (L1G) (.pix)
- Path 44 Row 26,
September 9, 1999 (Trail, South B.C.)
(L1G) (.pix)
- Path 45 Row 21,
September 16, 1999 (Peace River,
High Prairie) (L1G) (.pix)
- Path 45 Row 22,
September 16, 1999 (Whitecourt,
Valleyview) (STC)
- Path 45 Row 22, Sept. 30, 2003 - Landsat5 (Whitecourt,
Valleyview) (.pix) (raw) [Restricted to UC only]
- Path 45 Row 23, August
17, 2000
(Jasper, Grande Cache) * (STC)
- Path 45 Row 23, August 23, 2002(Jasper, Grande Cache) (L1G)
- Path 45 Row 23, Sept. 3, 2003 - Landsat 5 (Jasper, Grande
Cache) (.pix) (raw) [Restricted to UC only]
- Path 46 Row 21, August
22, 1999 (Grande Prairie,
Peace River) (STC)
- Path 49 Row 22,
September 12, 1999 (Prince George,
B.C.) (L1G)
- Path 49 Row 22, June
26, 2000 (Prince George, B.C.)
* Print copy of scene in map
cabinet: G3561 .A43 sVAR
(L1R) = Level 1R, Radiometric Correction
(L1G) = Level 1G, Geometric Correction
(STC) = System