University of Calgary

Raylene Reimer (De Bruyn)

  • Professor
  • Reimer Research Group

Research Interests

Exercise Physiology & Nutrition in Health & Sport:

Currently Teaching

Not currently teaching any courses.


Professor, Faculty of Kinesiology
Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


1997-1999 Postdoctoral Fellow, Nestle Research Centre, Lausanne Switzerland
1997 PhD, Nutrition & Metabolism, Department of Agricultural, Food & Nutritional Science, University of Alberta
1993 BSc, Foods & Nutrition, University of Alberta


The research interests of our group focus on understanding the full potential of nutrition to prevent and treat obesity and type 2 diabetes. Our research spans basic science aimed at determining the mechanisms through with diet affects the progression and maintenance of obesity through to applied human clinical studies evaluating the effectiveness of novel dietary interventions. We have made significant progress in understanding how maternal diet during pregnancy ‘programs’ the risk of obesity and impaired glucose tolerance in offspring. Altering the macronutrient composition of maternal diet, in this case the dietary protein and fiber content, led to permanent changes in the accumulation of body fat and the ability to handle oral glucose in the offspring. Further insight into the lasting influence that maternal health status has on long term offspring health is being gained from work examining the aggressive treatment of obesity in female animals prior to becoming pregnant. We are currently using metabolomics to examine the global metabolite profile of pregnant rats fed an obesogenic diet and a high fiber diet. Given the clear evidence that dietary environment experienced early in life has long term consequences for health and disease risk, our goal in this work is to determine the most effective means of reducing programmed obesity risk in offspring.

Our group is also making progress in understanding the link between the human host and intestinal microbial communities. Recent evidence suggests that the abundant and diverse communities of bacteria in the intestine influence energy metabolism and thereby affect the development of obesity. We examine the effect of modifying intestinal bacteria toward healthy profiles with prebiotics (unique dietary fibers that selectively fuel healthy gut bacteria) and probiotics (live bacteria that confer a health benefit to the host). We have ongoing work translating this animal work into human clinical trial examining the effects of a prebiotics on appetite, food intake, and weight loss in overweight adults.

The long-term goal of our work is to identify novel nutritional therapies to prevent and treat chronic disease.

Awards and Honours

Recent Awards and Honours.
See Reimer CV for a complete list.

2016 GREAT Supervisor Award, Faculty of Graduate Studies 
2012 Centrum Foundation New Scientist Award for Outstanding Research in Nutrition – Canadian Nutrition Society
2007 Kinesiology Faculty Award of Excellence for Outstanding Contributions in Research

Professional Affiliations

College of Dietitians of Alberta
The Obesity Society
American Society for Nutritional Sciences
Canadian Nutrition Society
American Chemical Society

Current Grant Support


CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research):Prebiotic fiber supplementation and gut microbiota in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Principal Investigator: $618,884.


CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research) Operating Grant: Dietary manipulation of gut microbiota to manage obesity and insulin resistance. Principal Investigator: $568,565.


NSERC (Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council) Discovery Grant (04/2016-03/2021) Mechanisms by which early life nutritional factors program postnatal metabolism. Principal Investigator: $280,000.


BMO Financial Group Endowed Research Fund in Healthy Living (2013-2016) Team development in pediatric obesity. Principal Investigator: $300,000.


To view Raylene A. Reimer's publications please see her Curriculum Vitae (PDF format)

Lab Personnel

Kristine Lee, Technician

Teja Klancic, PhD Student

Jodi Nettleton, PhD Student

Fatima Chleilat, PhD student

Nicole Cho, PhD student

Emily Macphail, MSc student

Shyamchand Mayengbam, Postdoctoral Fellow

Rafael Fortuna, Postdoctoral Fellow

Lindsay Eller, Research Associate


Recruitment for Research Studies

For a list of all of our ongoing research studies and details around participation please consult the University of Calgary research participation website at the address below and enter Raylene De Bruyn into the search tab.


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