Is Your Brain on a Microchip
cells grown on a microchip can learn and memorize information and
then communicate that information to the brain says Naweed Syed,
a neurobiologist with the Faculty of Medicine. “We’ve
made a giant leap in answering several fundamental questions of biology
and neuro-electronics that will pave the way for us to harness the
power of nanotechnology,” Syed said, after they proved it is
possible to cultivate a network of snail's brain cells that reconnected
on a silicon
chip. The possibilities of this science means sight could be restored
to a visually impaired person, another could easily control an artificial
limb, or memory function could be restored.
Donated to U of C
With the donation of the Petro-Canada building that sits in the
University Research Park, the oil company has made the second-largest
in U of C’s history. Valued at $6.9 million, the 60,000-square-foot
building already houses the Faculty of Engineering’s Department
of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. “This significant
gift will further support our research and education initiatives
aimed at serving society and the industry,” says President
Harvey Weingarten.
Romans it Really Is all in the Family
epitaphs written on ancient Roman tombstones have been partially
documented and compiled in reference books before, but not
until one U of C professor took on the job have they been comprehensively
described and analyzed. With her in-depth study, Hanne Sigismund
Nielsen has found that the concept of the Roman family is
much more broad than our definition today. “Quite a few
family relationships existed by choice and were not at all contained
in the biological
family," explains Nielsen. For example, slaves were often
related to their masters by choice, families often included foster
or children, and wet nurses were especially honoured.
Spoke at the Calgary Chamber of Commerce
Monday, President Harvey Weingarten spoke at the Calgary Chamber
of Commerce and announced the university’s plans for a downtown
campus and the university’s partnership with the Calgary Health
the speech...
more University of Calgary news, go to http://www.ucalgary.ca/news to
find the latest version of the weekly OnCampus newspaper.

Soon to a Mailbox Near You
your mailboxes for the spring issue of Arch magazine,
which will be mailed in early March. In it, you’ll
learn how the University of Calgary is involved in
the race for the Red Planet, be able to read about
U of C alumni who are also Rhodes Scholars, and find
out what other alumni are doing around the globe
in this internationally themed issue. |
of C Connections to the Order of Canada
A U of C alumna, Stephanie Felesky, has joined an elite
group in Canada by being named a Member of the Order
of Canada for her volunteer service. The U of C has
other connections to the Order this year with David
Bercuson (director of the Centre for Military and Strategic
William Leiss (Haskayne School of Business), and Gerald
Maier (Van Horne Institute) all being named Officers
to the Order of the Canada.
are invited to be judges at the 43rd annual Calgary Youth
Science Fair, which will be held from
March 17–20
at the Stampede Grounds. More than 1,000 students
will compete.
Bullying Workshop for Teachers
When should a teacher step in to stop bullying? This and more will
be discussed at a “bullying” workshop: March 4, 7 pm
in room 388 of the Education Block. Free to alumni, but you must
pre-register by March 1 to educalum@ucalgary.ca.
Alumni in Calgary Meet at Murrieta's
Executive MBA alumni are invited to meet at Murrieta's West Coast
Bar & Grill, 200-808 1 St SW, on Thursday, March 4 from 5 to
7 pm. For more information or to RSVP, e-mail craig@craigelias.com.
School Social for MIS Alumni
On Thursday, March 4 the Management Information Systems Association
(MISA) at the Haskayne School of Business is hosting an “after
school social” for MIS alumni. The event is an opportunity
for students to network with MIS alumni and learn more about possible
career paths. The event will be held at the Haskayne School of Business,
Oak Room from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. To rsvp, please e-mail misa@ucalgary.ca.
Play at MacEwan Ballroom
Broken Social Scene, along with The Stills and Raising the Fawn
will play the MacEwan Ballroom on Saturday, March 6. Doors
open at 8 pm,
and tickets available through Ticketmaster, Megatunes, and
Sloth Records.
Alumni Calgary Luncheon
The next MBA Alumni Networking Luncheon will be held on Friday,
March 12 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Delta Bow Valley
in Calgary. The
guest speaker will be Gary Nieuwenburg (vice president, Synthetic
Crude at Nexen), who will present on Nexen’s Long Lake
Oil Sands Project. The cost of the luncheon is $25. Register
by Tuesday,
March 9 by e-mailing rsvp@haskayne.ucalgary.ca.
Rock University Lecture Series
The Big Rock University Lecture Series continues with Molly
Bloom and Other Irresistible Irish Characters (presented
by Pat Benedict,
professor emeritus of the Department of Drama) on Wednesday,
March 17. Dinner at 7 pm, with lecture and discussion to
follow. Tickets
are $30. Info: 720-3239. The Big Rock Grill - 5555 76 Avenue
Alumni Reception
The Haskayne School of Business invites all alumni from
the Edmonton area to an alumni reception on Wednesday,
17. Guest speaker
will be Carol Stewart, interim dean of the Haskayne School
of Business. The event will be held at the Hotel Macdonald,
10065 – 100
Street from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. If you plan to attend, please email
rsvp@haskayne.ucalgary.ca or call Pam Fawcett at (403) 220-2048 by
March 8.
Plays for Alberta in Concert Series
Alumnus Daniel Moran (piano) will be performing at the
Eckhardt-Gramatté Hall
in the Rosza Centre as part of the Alberta in Concert
series on Saturday, March 27 at 8 pm. Tickets are $20
for adults and $15 for students and
seniors and are available at the door or by calling
Alumni Reception
Alumni in Toronto and area are invited to an Alumni
Reception hosted by the Haskayne School of Business
on Wednesday,
March 30 from
6:00 to 8:30 pm at the Royal York Hotel, Front Street.
Guest speaker will
be Carol Stewart, interim dean of the Haskayne School
of Business. Watch your mailbox for an invitation,
e-mail your RSVP now
at rsvp@haskayne.ucalgary.ca, or call Pam Fawcett
at (403)
RSVP deadline is Wednesday,
March 23.
Pub Night
Alumni are invited to an alumni pub night on Wednesday,
March 31 for “happy hour” at the James Joyce Irish Pub on Stephen
Avenue Mall, Calgary from 5 to 7 pm. The evening will be an industry
night for faculty, students, and alumni of the Operations Management
program but all alumni are invited to come out to meet, reminisce,
and network with fellow graduates, students, and faculty.
more events, go to http://www.ucalgary.ca/events/

Haskayne School of Business will have a new dean as of
April 1. To find out who click
Alumni Advantages: The Value
of Membership
no annual fee and a low introductory annual
interest rate, U of C alumni and students
are eligible for University of Calgary
MasterCard through MBNA Canada
Faculty of Continuing Education presents:
Stephen Covey Live
High Cost of Low Trust" seminar presented
in person by Stephen Covey on May 5
tickets and information about group discounts
call (403) 220-2877.